More than Friends

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Kirishima and Ashido were sitting in a field on floor one. They'd just got done testing their new weapons on wild boars. They were both pleased to see they got the hang of their weapons rather quickly. They'd even unlocked a couple of new skills. Kirishima unlocked the skill "dual axes" and Ashido unlocked the skill "phantom attack". Neither really knew what Phantom Attack meant.

"I gotta say, this whip is definitely an interesting weapon," Ashido said.

"No kidding! And these axes are really easy to use," Kirishima said.

They continued watching the sun as it was slowly beginning its descent to the horizon. Kirishima chanced a glance to Ashido. Her amber eyes twinkled in the light. He then thought about what might be happening to her outside. It was one of the major concerns he had. When he'd dove in, he had only intended to have some fun with her, and then be out in time for dinner. When he had learned of the nigh impossible task to beat the game and save everyone, she was the first person he ran to. Neither of them knew anyone else here, so them sticking together made sense.

For two months ot was just them. During that time, he had a rather startling revelation (for him at least): he had a crush on her. Though she was strong without him, he had no desire to leave her side. He didn't want to think of a life where she was gone, and he was left without her. He always wanted to have her back. She, to him, was the person he would die for; the person who inspired him to go on living. He wanted to pursue a relationship with her, but was afraid. He was afraid of her not returning his feeling, of thing changing, the simple fact that she could very easily throw him eternally in the friendzone. He sighed and sat back, trying his best to relax as the thought of Ashido dying, or breaking off their friendship over his feeling haunted him.

Ashido glanced at him. He was doing a bad time hiding his fear. His eyes were being forced to be normal sized and he was breathing a bit shakily. She didn't know why, though. What could the strong, brave, and... hunk Kirishima have to fear? She blushed a bit at the fact she thought of him as a hunk. But it was really how she saw him. In fact, she had a crush on him from before this death game began. This time with him during this death game only seemed to amplify those feelings. Much like Kirishima, she was deathly afraid of the friendzone. In all honesty, she was wanting to tell him how she felt when they first dove in and hopefully once they left they'd be a couple. But then the death game was announced, and they were here. She sighed and looked into the sky with him.

They heard something walking its way through the field toward them from behind. They rose and looked at the direction it was coming from. It was a tall man with some form of a metallic jaw piece. In his hand was what they could only assume was a stone club. He also looked like he was wearing stone armor. They glanced at each other before speaking to the man.

"Can we help you with anything?" Kirishima asked.

"Green players. How pure," the guy said, raising his club.

Kirishima immediately went into action. He grabbed his axes from his back and blocked the attack of the club with the blunt sides of the axes. Both of then in clear surprise at the fact a played was attacking another player.

"What the Hell?! Why are you trying to kill us?! You know that if we die here--" Kirishima shouted.

"You have no proof. Are we just supposed to take the word of Kayaba?" The man asked.

Ashido then noticed the gem color hovering over the man.

"Kirishima, we need to run! He's a red player!" Ashido said.

"You're not going anywhere," the man said.

An arrow planted itself right between her feet. Kirishima finally broke the block and stood between Ashido and the unseen archer. It was about then that Ashido noticed a faint hazy glowing blue line wandering between them. Ashido unfurled her whip and, when the line became solid and bright, twirled her whip into the line, snapping into the arrow that was aimed right at Kirishima's head.

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