chapter two

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"What's your next class?" Vanessa asked Olivia as they walked through crowded hallways

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"What's your next class?" Vanessa asked Olivia as they walked through crowded hallways.

"Math but I have to go visit Ms Kelly so I'll probably just be at her office." Olivia spoke as they reached their lockers that are next to each other.

"Lucky you, I have science." Vanessa rolled her eyes pulling out her science books from a locker.

Olivia opened her locker and out of it fell a piece of paper.

"What is it?" Vanessa asked, closing her locker.

'my table and lover's lake tonight -ed'

"Oh, just, Mike needs some help so I'll sit with him during lunch." She lied.

"Okay, sure. Well I have to go, see you later babe." Vanessa walked away and the bell rang.

Olivia took her time getting to Ms Kelly's office.

She didn't bother knocking before entering the room.

"Olivia! So glad you came. Take a sit." Ms Kelly smiled at the younger girl.

"How are you?"

"I'm good." Olivia replied.

"Okay, so, let's start with..." The teacher looked thyrough some papers before she found the one she was looking for. "Your grades. I see your English is really good but you are failing you math class."

"I know." Olivia sighed sadly.

"I talked to your math teacher and she said you're not even trying." Ms Kelly raised her eyebrow.

"I mean it's stupid. Like I don't get when in my life will I need half of the things she teaches."

Olivia was starting to get frustrated and Ms Kelly noticed it so she changed the subject.

"So did you enjoy that little celebration this morning?" She smiled at Olivia.

"I- um I didn't go." Olivia gave her a sheepish smile.

"Really? Why not?"

"I made a new friend, so I spent some time with him." She said casually.

"With him huh?" Ms Kelly smirked and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"It's not like that."

Ms Kelly hummed. "And who is this new friend?"

"Eddie Munson." And when that name left her mouth Ms Kelly's eyebrows went up and a giant smile was spread on her face.

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