chapter seven

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A/N: 3475 words, enjoy your meal.

"Steve I swear to God I'll choke you with my bare hands if you don't answer in the next minute!" Olivia whisper yelled in the radio

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"Steve I swear to God I'll choke you with my bare hands if you don't answer in the next minute!" Olivia whisper yelled in the radio.

Her and Eddie have been trying to contact the others for the past hour while hiding from Jason and his goons.

They waited for an answer in silence but they didn't get any.

"Let's check the back!"

"Shit." Eddie looked outside and the boys were making their way towards the shed.

Eddie looked around for a way to escape when his eyes landed on a boat.

"You up for a romantic boat ride?" He took off the tarp and untied the boat.

"There's no way I am doing this." She shook her head.

"Olivia, for the love of God, just get in the boat." He took two oars and started paddling.

"Oh fuck me." She gave up and got in the boat, taking an oar and starting to paddle.

"Your wish is my command." Eddie whispered.

"What?" She didn't hear him clearly.

"I- um, I said we need to paddle faster."

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey freak!" They heard Jason yell.

"Shit." Eddie dropped his oar and started trying to turn on the engine.

"I don't think that's gonna work." Olivia spoke from behind him.

"Don't manifest it!" He continued trying until Jason started swimming towards them.

"Eddie fuck that!" Olivia started to paddle and Eddie soon joined her.

"Shit, how are they so fast?!" She commented on the fact that Jason and Patrick swam faster than they paddled.

"Fuck this." Eddie stoped and started yelling at the boys. "Man, I'm warning you, stay back!"

They didn't listen.

"Stay back!"

Patrick stoped. But not because of Eddie's warning.

"Patrcik, come on man!" Jason yelled at him but Patrick just looked at him scared.

Until something dragged him under the water and Olivia grabbed Eddie's arm.

in my head // eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now