Chapter 2

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I wake up 'That must have been a dream!' I say to myself over and over in my head, I sit up to look around and I see a fire, boys dancing around the fire, and a different boy, his playing a pan flute but nothing is coming out of it. Then he looks at me for a second not breaking contact. He has green eyes but they change a bit when fire hits and blonde dark hair. Then he finally walks tours me, but this boy didn't have a cloak like the others he has some sort of green leaves look.

He sits beside me I look at his green eyes than he smiles at me "How did you get here?" His smile disappears when he asks that.

"Umm... I don't really know how I got here." He looks at me confuse.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Why does he want to know so badly?

"I was just closing my bedroom window when something grabbed me, the next thing I know I was over my city." I look at his eyes, they look like there saying you're not supposed to be here. "I passed out when I saw I was over my city." I look down, he says nothing and gets up and walks away. What the hell is going on? I look up to find the boy, but I couldn't' find him.

As the time pass, I'm still in the same spot I am starting to get sleepy, but I don't know where to go. I try to get comfortable on the log I'm sitting on and slowly go to sleep.

I can hear leaves crush like someone's walking on them. I barely open my eyes when I see him, the same dark blond haired boy. He's caring me I can feel his body close to mine, the heat coming off of him. I wrap my arms around him and dig my head in to his body and go back to sleep.


I wake up to the sunshine in my eyes, I rub my eyes and stretch. I look around I am not outside anymore I'm in a bed but who's bed? It looks more like a cabin. I get up and go to the door that's to my left, I open it slow when I look inside there's no one in the kitchen/living room. I go in and head straight to the fridge. I look in it to find not much just a wooden box, pizza box, some string cheese, and some fruit. I just grab an apple and walk to a table; I just sit there eating my apple and thinking why this is happing, where is he, and what bring me here? I just need some fresh air. I toss my apple core away and walk out the front door I go down the latter and start to walk around.

After some walking I seen a hole in a tree like someone is living in it. I didn't think someone could do that. I went in it to see who lives in it. I walk in to see a girl with blonde hair girl, her hair is in a mess bun and she has dirt and untelling what else on her. She looks at me with shock in her eyes "Who are and what are you doing here?" I wanted to run but I couldn't move, she gets mad her voice gets louder "Did you hear me kid? I asked a question!"

"H-hey." I'm shaking, my throat is dry, and my voice is scratchy as I speak. "I.. I don't know how I got here. And my name is- is Maylee." She rolls her eyes.

"So let me guess pan loves you and so he kidnapped you and your brothers as well!" She says in a mocking voice and smile that fades.

I look at her like she's crazy "No that's not what happened at all!" What is wrong with this girl? "I don't even think he wants me here."

"Why do you say that kid?" She says as she goes back to work on something. I lean against her door frame and fidget with my fingers.

"Because he seemed pissed that I'm here." I say in a low voice.

She laughs "Wait so pan doesn't want you. Shocking, you my kid should feel lucky." She points at me then walks out of her treehouse. I follow her as we walk through the forest.

"Why should I feel lucky?" I am just lucky that I'm gone, away from my stepdad.

She turns and looks at me, we make eye contact then she gets to my level "Kid listen to me, he is a bad man, he will hurt whoever disobeys him, and if you see him with Captain Hook then stay out of his away. Got it kid" She turns and keeps walking. I stand in my spot processing all the stuff she just said. When I snap out of it and catch up with her.

"Ummm quick question, who is Captain Hook?" He sounds kind of scary. But I also get scared pretty easily.

"Trust me you'll know him when you see him. Now I thinks best if you leave." She keeps looking around for something or someone.

"Why should I? You're like the only girl here." Why are there only boys on this island anyways?

"Look kid if you want to live to see your friends and family then it's best if you just get away from me ok!" She has ahold to my shoulders now. But if she only knew I don't have friends or family waiting for me or to live for.

"Okay then I guess I'll see you around."

"No kid no you won't, whatever you do don't talk to me, don't find me, and don't tell Pan I'm here." I shake my head to agree.

"Wait is that his name Pan?" She doesn't say anything she just walks off. So I'm guessing it is.

I didn't tell you guys this but I'll be posting chapters every Sunday

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