Chapter 12

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We made it to Neverland. I never seen it like this before where you can see the sea around it - it goes as far as the eye can see.

"Wow." I hear a voice say. They're right wow just look at this place, I would love to live here just not with Pan.
While we was sailing there was a sudden hit to ship, then other until it felt like we was in a storm.

"Sirens!" Hook yells. Sirens?

"We need to fire some cannons at them!" I yell at everyone. I see Charming light one of the cannons then points it at the water. Boom! I look up to see Hook struggling to keep the ship steady, he's doing a good job though.

Then I see Regina wave her hand over the sea and mumble something. I see a mermaid pop on the ship. I walk up to Regina "What the fuck." I yell at here.

"What? It stopped." Then we hear a horn, or something go off. I look over to the girl and I see her blow in a shill, Charming takes it away from her.

"What the fuck is this?" He yelled in her face. She just laughs at him, then Snow goes up to him and steps in front of both of them.

"There's not point." She tells him. Then Regina goes to them.

"We need to kill her." She tells Charming. They argue about killing the mermaid. The Henry joins in on their argument.

I look up and see dark clous form above us, the sky then starts to roar. I they to get there attention but it doesn't work. Then I feel the rain. "Guys shut the fuck up and look!" I yell at them. But nothing. Now the waves are stronger then ever before, I look over at Hook he needs help. I run to him then I see Regina again wave her hand this time turning the mermaid into wood.  Things go wild.

Wait the more we get mad or angry the more this damn storm gets worst. "Guys stop!" Nothing. I walk over the side of the ship. I don't think I jump. I try to swim up, but the waves push me down, I keep trying but I start to struggle with less oxygen. My vision goes blurry then black.

I start to feel someone pushing on my chest. I feel that saltwater come up my throat burning to come out. I turn to my side and cough it up. My vison starts to come back to me. I slowly sit up and look around to see everyone with a worried look on their face. Hook was closer to me and he looks at me with a tear in his eye I hug him to make him feel better. He hugs me back closer, titer like he ever wants to let me go.


I take a nap in the bottom of the ship.

"You're just like me little one. You look and act like me in so many ways. You should have seen your fathers face when you jumped. But I'm glad you lived I couldn't have you leave your father now."

"Mom he would have been fine like when he left us."

"Maylee, I have to tell you something."

"I see where this is heading to mom."

"Your father loved us but he got stuck at Storybrooke and so I moved and blocked him, because I thought he didn't love us but that wasn't the case. But I'm glad you went out you didn't deserve any of that."

"I know mom but I couldn't have left you."

"I failed as a mother."

"Don't say that mom. You didn't, you just needed money to support us.

"I know but I chose the wrong person for that."

"Mom its okay, I'm okay, we're okay."

"Good, and little one."

"Yea mom?"

"Chose the one who makes you smile, who make you laugh, who makes you feel better about yourself, and who takes you on adventures."

"I will mom."

"And most importantly chose whoever you want don't let people tell you any different. And love them with all your heart."

"I will mom, with all my heart."

I wake up I feel a tear go down my check I wipe it away. I get up and go to the deck I see that we're about to up to shore. So I go to Henry I see looking out to the sea I go be hind him "Everything okay?" I put my hand on his back.

He nods "Just haven't been here in a while." I agree with him "You've been here?" We look at each other.

"Hook didn't tell you." He looks more confused "I'll take that as a no, but Hook found me here. I was here for a couple of mouths, I don't remember because time is weird here." I look back out.

"Yea I understand you there." Then we make it to shore. "Come on everyone time to go save my daughter." Henry is the first one off the ship. We follow right behind him.

Pan Pov

I was playing music for the lost boys like I always do while they dance around the fire. Felix comes up from behind me "Pan." Stand up from where I was siting.

"What is it Felix?" I spit out.

"There here boss." I smile from his respond.

"Let the game begin. boys time for some fun!" I yelled to the lost boys. They yell and make lots of noise. I over to the daughter of the trust believer "Looks like your father bring his sister."

"She will kill you. My whole family will." The little girl speaks. I chuckle and get close to her face.

"This time I know someone's weakness and that's all I need. This time will be different then last time." I look away from her.

"Yea, will you don't know what I know." Bad move little girl. I look over at her.

"What do you know?" She shakes her head no "Little girl this is no time to play hero, tell me this is a life-or-death situation, so you better tell me." I see fear in her eyes now, good. She looks her father from when I did the same thing to him.


Not me finishing this at 2 in the morning thinking it's over. Don't worry there still like two more chapters left and I think a bonus yay.😅

Going to be busy this week and next, and school coming closer, god. I do have plans to amd this story before schools starts.

I'm working on a lot more as will because.... will I don't know I just want to okay lol. I love you guys have fun before schools start because everyone knows that will be hell.

Also does anyone have any advice on going to high schools? This will be my first time going and I'm so scared but also not lol. 😥



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