Chapter 10

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It's been four months since Maylee came to Storrybrook. She doesn't remember anything before she came. She doesn't remember Pan or what happened at Never Land.

She lives alone, she hasn't met anyone yet and she's just not ready to date anybody. She talks to Henry and his kid.

Henry told her about the book and how they're all connected to it. He also talks about their mom and how her parents was Snow White and Prince Chroming. Henry finally just gave her the book to read, she always has the book by her side.

When Maylee told them about how her mother die they was all upset about they even blamed Hook for her death, but they eventually calmed down and apologized to Hook for her death.

Now it's summer and they're all the beach relaxing while Henry's kid Lucy is playing in the water.

Maylee's POV

I lay in the sun on a beach towel with the others.

Ever since I moved her I have been having the best life possible. Henry gave me a book that supposedly is connected to us, I read it almost every night I even stay up all night reading it.

But all of us has been getting along. I find out so much about my grandparents and how they fell in love with each other, which is a crazy story for other time.

"Hey Maylee want to come and play with me in the water?" Lucy ask with a smile. She's Henry's daughter and their so alike.

I sit up with a smile on my face and say; "Yes, that would be so much fun, lets go." A little to loud. I grab her arm and pull her with me to the water.

Me and her splash each with water and then finally confines Henry and Jacinda. Me and Lucy play chicken with them. (That is just where you put some on you shoulders and then you have two more people do that, then you just person on top of you has to try to knock the other person down. Just in case you didn't know lol.)

Soon the sun starts to set and we got out. We lad on the towels for a while.

"Lucy can you get your stuff all gathered up." Henry says standing up. Lucy looks at me with a her lip out. I smile and look at Henry who is looking back and forth between me and Lucy.

"Can she just come and stay with me for a while?" When I say that Lucy's eyes light up. Henry rolls his eyes then looks at his wife.

"Please dad, Maylee is so much fun." Me and Lucy is now pouting and have doing those dog eyes.

Henry chuckles at us "Sure you can just be good for her and don't give her a hard time." Lucy hugs Henry and then comes over to me and hug me.

We leave and I take Lucy to Granny's Diner. Me and Lucy both get a strawberry shake. We talk for a while then we got back to my place.

We stay up watching The Flash. She got me hooked to it. We eat lots of popcorn and candy.

After like 20 episodes I finally turn it off "Hey!" Lucy looks over at me.

"It is time for bed, I can't let you stay up to 12 am. Or your parents might kill me." I grab the bowl and toss it in my sink. "Actually change that 'might' to 'will' because they will kill me. Now go to bed and I'll go tuck you in." I hear her shut the door to the spare room in front of mine. I wipe my table down then straighten everything up.

After that I walk down the hall to my room. I go to my bedroom and change. Then I go to the room Lucy is sleeping in. I knock on the door I hear a small 'come in.' I walk to her and sit on the bed.

"Now what should we plan to do tomorrow that we shouldn't tell your parents about." She sits up.

"We should go skydiving." I laugh at her response.

"I'm not up for that. How about we should go to Mister Gold's Pawn Shop to see what he has and I really want to see Bell." She chuckled a little. Then shake her head "Okay then we'll go to his and see what adventure we can fine there. Now lay down." She lays down and I get up. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead "Good night Lucy." I close her door a little because she hates the dark. I then go to bed room and go to bed.


I wake up to Lucy screaming I run to her room. I see a shadow pulling her Lucy was just hold on to her windowsill "Maylee please help!" I go to her but it was to last, the shadow pulled her away for. I watch her fade away from my eyesight into a black dot.

I can't move in my mind I'm screaming for her. I feel those tears again that I haven't felt for a long time. I run to my phone and call Henry. While I'm trying to get ahold of him I get ready.

Henry finally answered "What is it?" He ask in his sleepy voice.

"Henry something took Lucy!" I cried out. I hear him over on the other line.

"What do you mean something took her?" His voice was a little angry. I try to calm down, I breathe in and out.

"I wake up to her screaming and when I went to see why she was being pulled, by a dark figure." I shut my car down, started it, and back up "I coming over right now." I hear him fall.

"Wait right now? Okay let me get ready." I end the call at that. I drive as fast as I could over there.


I hope you like this and sorry for not posting every Sunday like I said. I'll just be posting whenever I have the chance to, love you 😘.

I hope you have a good day/night✌️.

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