Bonus Track: Don't Stop Believin'

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Bonus Track: Oz

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Bonus Track: Oz

The mood around the table doesn't feel like we just lost to a band called "We are the Walruses." Dave is shooting a straw at Mitzi, who's cowering in the corner of the booth and giggling. Reece is using his chopsticks to drum on the napkin dispenser, his cup, and a bottle of soy sauce.

To say I'm disappointed is putting it lightly. I sigh and tug at my hair.

"Maybe I need a new look," I mutter.

"What? No way, man," Dave says immediately.

"Yeah, you got that Axl Rose thing going on," says Reece.

I look at Mitzi.

"How are we going to build our brand if you change your look now?" Mitzi says, smiling a little. "You have to wait until we release at least two albums."

I sigh again. "We'll be lucky if we get signed for an EP after this." I'm only half-kidding.

"It's better that we didn't win," Reece says. "Our band name is The Losers. If we won, we'd have to change it."

"Yeah," Mitzi agrees. "Losing is so on-brand."

"That how we can sell ourselves when we try to get gigs," Dave says, holding up his hands like he's seeing a marquee. "The first loser in the Montbourne Idol competition."

"How do you know we were first loser?" I challenge. "Those B-Sharps could have come in second."

Reece taps off a ba-dum-bum-tss. "Dude, those guys were a snoozefest."

"We were definitely first losers," Mitzi nods.

My brain is already racing to our future gigs. "Next time, we'll have our outfits coordinated. I like Reece's idea of wearing all black with the colorful headphones."

"That's just how I dress every day," Reece says.

"And I've got a few logo ideas—once we vote we can stencil it on the drum kit and maybe make bumper stickers to hand out at our shows. T-shirts are probably too expensive for now, but we could order a handful for ourselves and our roadies."

"We don't have any roadies," Mitzi says. "Although Cam might be interested."

"And I've got a few original songs, I figure we can mostly do covers until we have more of a following, but if we sing like one original song at each of our shows—"

"Oz!" Dave yells. "Calm down. We gotta get a gig first, then we can deal with all that."

"Sure, sure," I say. I let it go.

But they can't stop me from dreaming. Dreams can sometimes come true, you know. Even if it doesn't quite happen the way you think it will.



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