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So you want us to help you find them? It's all about that? Pretty easy for us, considering the dedication my members hold to finish a given work. The leader bragged on.

And that's the reason I'm here. I wouldn't be meeting you right now if I knew you're members were useless, right? I need a strong team,and i hope you could assist and support me, just like your dad did with mine years ago. She talked provokingly and sturdily.

ohh touché. Alright, there's nothing to discuss much about the topic here, we will help you out, but that's only on a firm condition.

I was expecting these to happen. What is it anyway? Akira slightly rolled her eyes to the side.

Well, we'll work your problem out, but it may take time, as we have no sign of them. So what I'm suggesting is, you help us be a trainer to a few youngsters who are willing to join the gang. I'm aware of how good you are with dealing knifes, so you train them while we look for your family. You can stay here too. All the facilities will be provided and we'll also make sure you're comfortable. In that way, we can also find them soon if we work together, as you know your family better than we do. He exhaled after explaining the deal.

Taeyong was smart,  he was a leader indeed. He knew how to be profited making such deals with his clients.

But Akira was against it. She did not want to teach others, when she had a job to attend every weekday and mission to take care of- finding her only family. She couldn't multitask. Her brain would be messed up with soo many things to deal with.

We will definitely make sure you'll see them as soon as possible. All you need to do is train the teens- that is at night only. I know you work in your dad's company. So you won't have much to deal with, you can rely on us. Taeyong understood she was contemplating and reminded. His voice laced with confidence.

'Rely on us', that was something akira absolutely hated. She did not want to rely on anyone. She was supposed to be independent. She can find her mom and sister herself too but she asked for help just so it could be easier and safe for them too.

I need time to think over so I'll let you know tomorrow. See you mr.lee. she sighed with her brain running with all these thoughts, and got up to leave.

You can call me taeyong. And okay, I'll wait for your answer. See you too. He gave a small smile.

She walked out of the door after giving the man a stern nod.


Here was another day.A meeting scheduled with seventeen's head.

Akira drove yo seventeen's headquarters with baggy eyes. She could barely get a blink of sleep last night.

After the discussion with Taeyong, she couldn't stop thinking about the deal they made. The aura of the whole place plus the few people she saw there and not to mention,, the confidence they've got, made her think she could trust them to help her find the only people who really mattered to her.

And mr.lee couldn't join her today. Tho it was better that way, she thought. He'd only have to wait in the lobby like he did yesterday while she was meeting nct's leader. The girl did not want him to get bored sitting alone in an unknown place.

she's still got another meeting to go to anyway. If seventeen could make sure they can give off a better deal to find her family, she'd let nct down and work with seventeen. She made her mind now.

Finally arriving, she parked her car in the parking lot and went in being leb by, yet another security to their 'boss's cabin'. Just like yesterday.

After a very small walk, she reached her destination and went in after knocking on the door.

In sat a tall, gorgeous man with honey like skin and wavy hair sitting on the couch, adjacent to the door.

He stood up as soon as her saw her and smiled. Hi, I'm Kim mingyu. I'm guessing you're Akira and here to meet the leader?

He'll be here very soon. Please have a seat. He pointed at the single couch beside him.

Thank you. She nodded.

Okay i don't mean to investigate or something but i heard you wanted to us to work with you over something, right? He knit his eyebrows. Why'd you choose us? Because not gonna lie, I know how popular your father was. You can always choose another one you know?

I can choose another gang, but why would I go ask people who were rivals with my dad right? And also I've heard a lot from my dad about you guys. NCT being a part of it was kept a secret. She would not want them to know they were a choice.

Ohh yeah, right. The tall man laughed, a little embarrassed.

The door then swung open, revealing another man with beautiful facial features. She wondered if all mafia's are that good looking. She never met another gang, than her father's.

Ohh Akira is it? I'm Choi seungcheol, seventeen's leader. Nice to meet you. he smiled widely. Mingyu took it as his cue to leave.

Nice to meet you too mr.choi. she greeted him back. He somehow looked familiar to her.

I guess you did not recognize me then? Its alr, i've once been to your house to meet your dad. He was very friendly for someone who is a mafia leader.

She remembers him now, he did come to her home. The young girl wasn't supposed to be downstairs, but she was playing tag with her twin and saw this man discussion with their father. Later being sent back into their room, as her dad did not want his daughters to listen to any of the gang related stuff.

So let's discuss what you're here for??

Reader: I'm curious what the next part would be
Writer: me too
Hits me hard in my senses😔👍

XOXO: lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now