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It was 8pm and Akira was taken to the basement- which was apparently pretty large but its NCT we're talking about.

"So here is the place the kids train for gang stuff and you can just walk around, I'm sure you know everything around in here and how they'd be used and its purposes. Nonetheless, you can always go to Xiaojun if you have any doubts. Got it?"

"Yeah got it." Akira could already understand everything around her. From the rifle shooting range area to the boxing ring to the combat area to many more. It was indeed one of the best training rooms she has visited.

Her father used to take her to many places to teach her every posibble skill with her twin. The equipment here looked better than any other training halls she has visited.

"Taeyong?" A girl with shoulder length, jet black hair with red highlights walked into the room. She gave of the emo-girl vibes with the cat-eye look and the way she dressed. Pretty hot. No homo.

"Ah, you're finally here. I've been wanting to introduce you to Mr. Park ill-sung's daughter."

"Park ill-sung as in the phoenix?" The girl asked with a dispassionate face, flat eyes. Her voice blank.

"Yes him. I'm surprised you remember, you have a good memory Min. Anyway Akira, meet Lee minhee, my cousin. She also participates in the gang and is pretty good at free hand fights. Min, meet Akira, Mr. Park ill-sung's daughter. You know why she's here." Taeyong introduced both the introverts to each other.

"Well, nice to meet you." Akira forwarded her hand to Minhee.

"Hi." The younger girl only looked at her hands and walked past her with a short response.

Well, another salty bitch.

In all honesty, Akira was seeing herself in Minhee. She is no respectful to everyone, just like Minhee. But she tried greeting the girl just because of Taeyong's presence. Well, guess not anymore. She has dealt many such people before, so she cared less.

"Oh. I'm sorry about her. She's been like that since forever."

" It's okay, I dont really care. I'll be walking around in here now. You can leave if you want to, I'll call xiojun if I need him."

Not to mention how Taeyong legit sent her a whole document with the profiles of each member in it. From their picture to their position in the gang to their birthdays. Everything. It was helpful.

After looking around for a while, she smirked after her eyes fell on one the glass cabins. She stepped inside and her eyes raked over the walls holding a wide range of knives. Small, big, her fav, the unreleased. The collection of the kinves they had was mesmerizing. Akira did not want to leave the basement at this point. She opened all the drawers in the cabin to see what else it held and let her hand rake over them.


Exhaling out a breath, here she was, keeping the safety back on the sharp side of her favorite and a unreleased kinfe back into their places after an hour of training in the combat area. No. She just played around with the kinves. She did not need to train.

Grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge, she walked to one of the many wooden seats in the corner of the basement. She layed down on the bench and took a breather, thinking of her life decisions.

Akira sat back up with a sigh and threw the bottle away after gulping down the water. She looked around the basement one last time before leaving the place.

Walking through the long hallway to her room, she was bumped into her shoulder from the back. It was the guy who called her a 'hot chick' during lunch.

"Hey babe" he winked while she glared at the man. That is scary.

"Stay the fuck away from me." Akira rolled her eyes and pushed his hands of her shoulder.

"What are you? A 'touch me not' hm?" He raised his brow looking her up and down with a twisted face.

Akira turned to him with a sigh and glared yet again, proceeding to walk, ignoring him.

"Aren't you curious about me? Haha, who are we kidding? You're probably dying to know about me right?"

Akira mumbled something along the words of 'narcissistic bitch' under her breath and rolled her eyes at his smirking face.

Why was their house so huge. When will she reach her room?

"Well sweetheart, I'm haechan. Mafias call me donghyuck, or sometimes I be called sexy. You can call me however you please." Haechan gave her a cute smile, but she was least impressed.

Maybe he was a little hot but she wouldn't admit that.

"And what do I do with the information? Make banners?" Akira gave haechan a bored look yet again pushing his hands off her shoulder. She was slowly growing annoyed.

"No tf. I thought your ugly looking ass might need a friend here. Yeah, thank me later."  Haechan eyed her room which finally arrived, and looked back at her with disgust.

Akira turned around to face him one last time before responding, leaving him stunned.

"Fuck off bro"

XOXO: lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now