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(Groaning from under the covers)
What are you doing?

He tried focusing his sight, trying to adjust to the lighting in the room although only a small lamp from Harry's side was on and he noticed Harry walking back and forth from the bed to the closet and taking his clothes with him.

Wait... his clothes?

Louis sat up.

(Glancing at the luggage)
What are you doing Harry?

(Focusing on fitting all the clothes inside)
Mum called, something like "an emergency meeting".

From the way Harry mimicked his mums voice he could tell Harry didn't want to go but he didn't have much of a choice.

And you have to go right now?

(Looking up and slowing his pace)
I do, I'm sorry Lou. I'm sure I'll be back soon.

Louis nodded.

It's New Year's Eve and that only means Harry won't be here tomorrow and Louis will be on his own. God that's awful.

Why can't I ever go with you?

You know my mum doesn't like you, I don't want you to put up with her.

I can handle whatever she tells me H, I know better than whatever a homophobe has to say, even if it's a family member.

I understand, trust me I do. I know you're the bravest person I know but you know how my mum gets when she sees you —

(Raising his hands up)
— Okay okay, I've got it. You're right, I'll wait for you here like always.

Louis got up and walked towards the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face.

He hated when Harry had to go to New York, it was far and it felt lonely.

But having him leave in such short notice broke his heart even more.

Three soft knocks tore Louis away from his thoughts. He found himself sitting on the floor, having no idea how long he's been in the bathroom for.

Lou, come out. I'm leaving now.

Louis dried the fallen tears that stained his cheeks before he opened the door and saw a sad Harry standing there.

(Bringing Louis into a hug)
You know I hate this too.

(Speaking against Harry's chest)
Then why did you agree to it?

Harry pulled Louis away a bit to look into his eyes.

Mum said it's an important —

— No why did you agree to modeling years ago? I'm sorry if I'm crossing a line but you never look happy when you leave for it. And I know leaving me here isn't always why.

Harry sighed caressing Louis' shoulders.

I didn't have a choice.

They hugged again, Harry placed multiple small kissed on Louis' neck and shoulder before placing one on his lips.

I'll call you, I always do.

He could tell Harry hesitated to walk away with his luggage, but he did eventually.

Louis stood there staring at the empty space where Harry was at just over two minutes ago. The sound of the taxi driving off was long gone and no trace of another human lingered around.

Louis knew Harry would get back to work after the holidays, but the holidays aren't over yet and he's gone.

Louis didn't bother doing anything that day. He slept through even if he wasn't tired anymore, he just didn't want to be awake and aware that he was alone.

It hurt to sleep on a cold bed without Harry by his side trying to invade his personal space. It hurt to be in the bedroom and the house being all quiet because usually Harry is in the kitchen or the tv is playing as background noise.

But everything is quiet.

The house. Louis' mind.

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