Page twenty!!

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He finally settled in completely. He was stable, got a dog and he was doing alright.

Until Liam sent him an email with a link.

It was a document, there was no title and Liam didn't write anything else in the email so of course he clicked it and began reading.

Louis I'm risking a lot writing you this, if this document gets caught by someone else you might never hear from me. Though this isn't about me, it's about Harry.

Firstly, I want to apologize for being an arse back in New York, I had no choice. I couldn't tell you and I really wanted to, believe me. You were Harry's boyfriend you deserved to know everything and even now you still do. I hope you find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me and I hope we can still be friends, I haven't heard of you much.

Harry got into an accident when he arrived in New York. He had just gotten out of the taxi when he noticed a girl standing in the middle of the road, he called out for her but she didn't move and Harry sensed a car driving towards them. He saw the car lights and the car was speeding through, he did what he thought of first. Jumping in and pushing the girl away from the street. That's exactly what he did. He was able to push the girl away and in just one second, he was hit instead.

The car was going way over the speed limit. Harry couldn't escape the crash and his body took every hit. The car left, later it was found crashed against a pole. But Harry was in the middle of the street laying down, he had blacked out and wasn't responding when people circled around him.

His mum told me briefly about it but I asked a shop owner who had cameras for me to see the footage back.

It doesn't explain the hospital discussion though. The doctor said it could be from the impact, usually people forget about the last person they were thinking about.

Louis, he was thinking about you before he got hit and the impact made him forget you. It's so difficult to write, I wish the doctor would have let you hear from his words instead.

The results showed that Harry has amnesia, Harry can't remember certain memories or information. Those just happened to be you.

I don't know where you are Louis, but please don't be too hard on yourself. Harry never meant to forget you, he loved you until the very last second he could think of you.

I've seen the media lately, I hope you get to read this document and I expect to see your face on Saturday. Remember it's the first day of February, Harry has been wondering about you by the way.

I know you don't want to be his friend, Zayn told me. I don't expect you to pretend you're okay in front of him but at least show your face over here.

I hope this helped in some way, please delete this as soon as you finish.

Louis shut off his phone, he hadn't blinked as he read. It was too much information all at once.

He didn't feel angry or sad or happy. He was just processing everything. Processing the fact that Harry was possibly thinking of Louis before the accident.

Now he feels guilty.

He quickly opened the document again and deleted it, the information was stuck in his brain there was no need to reread it.

Liam's words always get to him. He hates how he's always right. He thought about going over to London, just for his friends sake.

And maybe because he wants to see Harry now that he's gotten past the sad phase.

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