Page nineteen

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Maybe mothers were right when they said phones were the problem.

Louis was constantly on his phone checking social media and feeling horrible because all he sees are pictures of Harry and Taylor going on dates.

He was a bit happy that Harry finally got to have a public relationship and he was sad because it's not Louis who is with Harry out for the world to see.

He hated seeing Harry and Taylor doing stuff they used to do together. Hated seeing that smile on Harry's face but at least he was happy though.

Louis just wonders if maybe a small part of Harry gets déjà vu. If he still thinks of blue eyes and tries to find the whole face or if he decided to stop because Taylor told him it was her.

He closed the platform and deleted it instantly, Louis deleted every social media on his phone and even useless apps he doesn't care about anymore.

He's thinking of Harry again and he's starting to feel his heart crumble.

At least he doesn't cry anymore. Not like he has anything else to cry about, it was made very clear that Harry is gone and he cried about that enough.

Louis let out a breath, the tv was playing but he wasn't paying attention to it.

He forgot what day it even is, everyday seems like a summer day. He feels like he should be doing something but he has nothing to do.

And he also wasn't very cold hearted, he ended up texting Zayn after awhile telling him he was alright and had a roof. Never told him where he is, he avoided that question just like he avoided Harry.

But it felt boring. He was tired of spending his days with himself, his mind was blank. Everything was numb.

He thought about getting a dog, remembering how animals usually cure peoples depression but he's just scared he won't take care of it well.

He can barely take care of himself, having to set alarms to remember stuff. But he'll consider it, maybe a dog could do a bit of help.

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