Chapter 5 =-0

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Penis. sorry i died😍👍

[Shinsou's POV]

Once we made it to the hospital, i finally got a closer look at Neito. He had a scar, one leading from his eyebrow to his cheek. It looked old, yet must've hurt when it was fresh.

I sat and stared at him, pondering. About what though? Im not sure why i didnt stop. Something about him interested me. Was it his scar? His hair? His face? He looked my age, im pretty sure he IS my age. why would somebody so young become a villain? Something must have happened to make him a villain.

Aizawa must be worried. I stood up to leave for UA again. Yet as soon as i stood, i heard a groan. Neito was waking up?! Hope he is alright- i mean he got shot, yes, but it wasnt anything unfixable. He seemed.. strong in a way.

I was lost in thought, so lost that i failed to notice Neito sit up.

[Monoma's POV]

I let out a groan as my eyes fluttered open, i felt horrible.

The purple haired boy was there - the one i fought. What was he doing here? He wasnf paying attention. I sat up and stared at him, curiously.

"Are you.. Okay?" i asked quietly. He snapped back to reality as soon as i asked. "Oh, uhm, yes. But i should be asking that! You got seriously hurt-" He said yet i cut him off, "alrighty, calm down, im fine now. Damn, hero".

Suddenly, a nurse entered the room and seemed shocked at me being conscious. She called afew other nurses and a doctor in then got the hero out.

Then i got questioned. I hate questions - yet hate them more when they're about myself.

I got asked basic questions.

"how old are you?"
"Whats your name?"
"Neito Monoma, or better known as Phantom theif."
"Why did you become a villain?"
I paused. Should i answer them?

"My sister, Himiko Toga, is a villain. I joined her" it wasnt fully a lie yet it wasnt my whole reason.

After many other questions, i was left alone. Until pro-hero, Eraserhead, entered the room with a offer.

"Phantom Theif, Neito Monoma, instead of going to jail once you have healed you can join UA in the rehab program. Its your choice."

I felt a pinch of nostalgia. My childhood dream of joining UA, becomng a hero.. I guess when i became a villain i kinda gave up completely ..

"I.. I wanna join the program." i stuttered out after thinking for some time.

The pro showed a.. awkward smile in the shape of an upsidedown triangle. And i thought i was weird-

"Welcome to the hero course, Neito" He said, proud yet still tired.


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