Note about these book

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Note about these book

Ok so when it comes down to my DC Soulmate Book, Twilight Soulmate Book, Her ~ The Vampire Diaries Soulmate Book and my Supernatural, Marvel and DC Soulmate Book it's going to be 'edited' differently then my other books.

I'm going to basically restart these books all over again.

I'm keeping the characters, maybe adding more characters and changing some characters up. I'm going to follow a bit of my old books, but I'm also going to make it new.

When I was writing two of those books the first time, they didn't go as I wanted them to go. It strayed off the road it was supposed to be going on and I just want to get them back on track with where it was supposed to be going and that means it won't be edited the same as the others. And the other one was going where it was supposed to be going, but there were parts that strayed from the real goal I was getting at, so again that one would be edited differently than my other books.

Meaning with all that, I won't have many chapters for it. I may have 1 chapter made for it or maybe 2 or 3, but it won't have much; meaning that what it lands on that's what I have until I'm done editing my other books and able to continue on to my new edited books and fresh new books again.

I'm close to being done editing all of my old soulmate books, very excited for that.

Thank you so much for being patient with me and my books. I really appreciate it ♥️

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