Peaceful Euthymia | Ei (Raiden Shogun)

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F!Reader x Ei
Disclaimer: This piece of writing is fictional
(meaning that it is not canon to the game in any way)

requested by @uyashii

   Ei trembled. In her hands was Makoto's lifeless body. Ei clenched her fists. She had lost too many people before, now her sister. The only family she had. Ei felt trapped. She started to breathe heavily. She was in disbelief.

   Ei woke up from meditation. She fell from her position and fell to the sandy ground. She sighed. "Makoto..." Ei muttered. It's been three days since Makoto passed.

   It hurt Ei too much. She had no one to lean on to because no other soul else knew that there were two Shoguns. She teared up quietly. She was alone. Without Makoto, she was nothing but a warrior. Ei was never born to be a leader, let alone be a wise one. She and Makoto knew that well.

   All Ei could do was find a replacement. But she couldn't do anything as she was still deep in grief.


   "Y/N," someone called your name. You turned around. "Oh, Acting Head Shrine Maiden. What is it that you need?" You asked. "Can I ask you to visit the Shogun? The Shogun wouldn't permit me to get inside and I know you two are quite close-"

   "Just please, visit." The Acting Head Shrine Maiden said sternly. Come to think of it, she hasn't said a word to you. Neither did you say anything to her.

    You nodded. "I shall head to Tenshukaku now." You responded. You bowed at the latter and went off to your journey.

   You and Ei met when Kitsune Saiguu introduced you to the Shogun Twins. You were close to both of them but you had a "connection" with Ei. And that connection would be something romantic. She isn't the one to talk a lot, you, however, liked telling stories about your Shrine Maiden Training and your friend, Yae.

  Several minutes later, you arrived at Tenshukaku. You went up to the large doors, but you were stopped by a couple of soldiers. "Halt, Shrine Maiden." One of the soldiers said. You showed the pass to them. "You may enter," the other declared.

   You bowed to them and started getting inside. Once you entered, you spoke. "Ei? Makoto? It's me, Y/N." You said. The room was empty. Then, a portal opened up. You got into the portal despite it being suspicious. You suddenly fell on a sandy floor. "Y/N..." Someone uttered. You stood up and grinned. "Hello, Ei."

   All of the sudden, Ei hugged you. "I'm glad you are here!..." Ei sobbed. You were taken aback. You wondered, why was she sad? You only patted her back and embraced her. You felt her tears fall onto your shoulders. You only noticed that she looked like a mess. Something horrible must've transpired.

   "What happened? After recent events, I've been worried for you." You confessed. Ei didn't say anything, you didn't ask anything any longer. You tried to comfort her by stroking her disheveled hair. "Makoto... She-" Ei struggled to say anything. You hushed. "Calm down first, take your time."

  You placed your lips on her head. Makoto must've... Passed. That could only hurt Ei this much. Not to mention that Kitsune Saiguu had passed, along with her other close friends. However, you had little time to go visit her. Ever since Kitsune Saiguu passed, things at the Grand Narukami Shrine were complicated.

   A few moments later, Ei had calmed down. You brought her back to Tenshukaku. You prepared some tea and placed it on the table, along with sweet desserts. "Makoto died." Ei mumbled "Once I reached her, she was already dead. I was terrified." Ei started to tear up again.

   "I couldn't do anything but cry. I feel useless." Ei said as she ate some of the rice cakes on the table. "Don't tell yourself that. You aren't useless, Ei." You said as you sat down beside her.

   "I couldn't save her, only the last bits of her soul..." Ei croaked. "If only she had told me-"

   "Ei." You said sternly. "Saying these things won't help, you know that." Ei huffed. "I know but I can't help but blame myself. And I can't lead Inazuma to a bright future by myself. Not like this.  I was born a fierce warrior, not a wise leader! Not to mention, she's a pillar of hope to me."

   "But the people's pillar of hope is you." You said. You took Ei's long and slender hands and placed a kiss. "Do what Makoto would've done, Ei. Besides, you've ruled beside your sister.

   "You're right." Ei smiled. "I owe you many, Y/N." You smiled back at her. "I have to leave now, I have duties at the shrine." You were about to stand up but then Ei suddenly kissed your cheek. "I adore you very much, please, don't leave yet."

   You giggled and said, "Alright,"

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