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I woke up from my sleep and hissed, "Another day, another bullshit." I've always been karma's victim and I'm already sick of it. I don't know why, but everyone hates me. What's actually wrong for having such beauty I possess?

I'm now sitting in front of my mirror, "C'mon, Junghwan. You're pretty, you don't have to worry. Okay?" It may sound hilarious, but I do love intrapersonal communication.

I sighed and decided to use my personality number three, which is the "Sociable Junghwan haha!" I whispered to myself.

However, my plan to greet the people inside the palace was interrupted. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I'm Agent No. 10, your new personal bodyguard. Please, head to the dining room for breakfast."

I immediately frowned, papa hired a bodyguard again?! "Excuse me, I don't need someone to dictate me." I responded, gifting a precious glare.

With my surprise, he rolled his eyes and held my wrist. "Such a disrespectful kid. Your god damn nasty attitude will not work against me, Junghwan. Let's go." He mutters with authority in his voice. "Junghwan!?" He called me by my name, how disrespectful.

"Yes, you're So Junghwan. It's my own will to not address you with honorifics, I'm five years older than you. Let's hurry, your father wants to see you." He says, this is really unbelievable. It's my first time to encounter someone who's this firm and authoritarian towards me. I guess, he'll give up sooner just like the former bodyguards I had.

We finally arrived at the palace's dinning room, but this bodyguard of mine is still holding my wrist. "I'll let go of you if you greet them with respect. The president of Japan, Hamada Kuruzo is here, be polite. Go on." He says, whispers to me while looking at the crowded long table.

I sighed in annoyance, but chooses my personality number three. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm So Junghwan. I am pleased to see you here, Mr. Hamada Kuruzo. Thank you for coming!" I greeted, bowing to them. "Good job." I heard Agent 10 whispers while looking at the guests with a serious look. He let go of my hand and pulls a chair for me, he motioned me to sit. I nodded and sat on the chair with my personality number four, my shy aura.

"Oh, A-aenyeonghesayu." Mr. Hamada Kuruzo greeted back with a smile. "It's nice to meet you, youngest So." He added and gave a bow. I smiled and gaze upon the other guests, "I guess you're looking at his son. He's Hamada Asahi, the oldest son. He's the youngest congressman in their town and his hobby is listening to music. He also know how to play electric guitars and piano. Yes, he's single, but he won't be interested in you."

What the hell is he talking about. "I'm not even interested that much, who knows? Everyone knows how cute and pretty I am, he'll fall for me sooner. Sadly, I don't have time to be in you know, relationship." I told him. He's still bending just to whisper nonsense. "You're not even pretty at all." My bodyguard said that made my eyebrow raise.

"Please, go away. Before I smash this bread on your face." I whispered, glaring at him. He looks at me and moves down his shades, "As you wish, madame." He responded that made me bite my lips in anger. I'm not a damn girl, I'm just a pretty boy.

He fixed his shades and walks away with a smirk. I just noticed it now, he's freaking tall and he's radiating power and authority. Is he really a body guard? haha. Never mind, I'm not that interested to know.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hamada Asahi, I'm pleased to meet you all." The guy that Agent 10's talking about just spoke. Hmm, he got the looks, but he's not my type at all. I want someone who looks intimidating.

After breakfast, I went to the library for my personality number five, the smart Junghwan. But then, my new personal body guard trails after me. "In order to secure your safety, I am here to guard you." He mutters after closing the door while looking at my direction, that made me gulp my freaking saliva.

"Y-you don't have to go here, you can wait outside or do other things." I said inching away after pulling a book. "No, this is my duty. Just do whatever you want, I'll just accompany you here." He responded as he walks closer to me.

My eyes widened when he pushed me to the bookshelves, "I'd also like to read." He says and placed his hands above my shoulders. "I'm not a damn book." I hissed, glaring at him. His smirk is boiling my head in annoyance, "but you're a poetry, and I'd like to understand every line." He responded with a teasing smirk again. "Pervert." I whispered, but he just ignored it and sat on the chair.

"Before I forgot, I'm not interested about you, but I want to know your name just in case." I muttered, sitting opposite from him. He looks at me and said, "I'm Agent 10, Watanabe Haruto. Your new body guard, Junghwan."

Watanabe Haruto...it sounds very familiar.

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