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I don't know when it all started, but I really can't stop being shy around this stupid agent. Why do he always make me like this. I'm doomed!

"Hey, kitten. You're spacing out." That was Agent Watanabe, fixing the strands of my hair. Then he looked at me in the eyes.

Stop doing that, please. I'm going crazy!

"Just do your assignment, please." I begged, averting my eyes. I can't focus on doing my work. He's sitting across to me on the floor, both writing on the small coffee table.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Yes! But I'm afraid that he'll worry about me.

"Uh no, I'm just...tired." I said and tried to focus on my paper. I heard him sigh and held my hand.

God! I suddenly felt my cheeks hot. He's gently rubbing my hand. "Do you want to rest, hmm?" He asked in a gentle manner. I looked at him and our eyes met.

I nodded and he gave me a smile. Stop doing that!

"Alright, let's rest for a while." He mutters and pulled me until we reached my bedroom.

This is making my face red! Gosh, I'm having a lot of thoughts right now, but I'm trying my best to shrug it all off. He fixed my bed and gently push me to lie down. I sighed and rolled over the bed and quickly covered my whole body with the huge blanket. I heard him chuckle, damn, I'm blushing hard!

"Can I sleep beside you, pretty?" He asked, and why would I allow him to sleep beside me!?

"Promise, I won't do anything bad." I heard him speak again. He's sincere, I know.

He removed the blanket on my face, "Kitten?" I bite my lips and just nodded. "Fine, but don't ever try to kiss me, okay?" I warned him and he just freaking laughed at me. What's funny?

"You're pretty, I can't promise." He said in his bed voice as he went under the covers too.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to prevent smiling. He's making my heart beats crazy. I covered my face again with the blanket to hide my tiny blushes. Gosh, what am I gonna do? I'm not event damn tired or sleepy!

"Hey, what's wrong?" Agent 10 removed my blanket again! But this time, he's on top of me. Help! I'm scared that I might pull him for a kiss. No, don't do that, Junghwan!

I covered my face with my bare hands to hide my obvious blushes. "Kitten, your face is all red. What's wrong?" he ask again looking at my eyes down to my lips and went back to my eyes. Gosh, he's seducing me? No! Please, stop. I might loose control!

"Uhm, I don't...I don't know." I'm getting shy again, what the hell! I might cry. C'mon, Junghwan.

He smirked and...what? He smirked! Help! I'm doomed! I'm mentally screaming now.

"Are you shy?" He asks, he held my hands and pinned me to the bed.

Aaaah, I'm...I'm blushing hard! Stop making me weak, Agent 10. My whole body is now shivering.

"Why would I be s—"

Oh my god.

He kissed me.

Uh no.

He's kissing me!

We're kissing and he's still on top of me. I can't push him away, I'm too weak.

I'm sorry, dad. But I already gave up and lost my control. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

It's not just a kiss, but a passionate one.

Damn, this really feels so good. I can't explain, but I love being kissed...by him.

What the hell! I'm going crazy, oh I mean, I'm hella crazy now!

I won't stop unless he pulls away. I'm sorry. He's a good kisser. I admit that.

"Someone's loving it." I came back to my senses when he broke the kiss. Damn, his voice is really attractive.

"Why did you stop?" I asked, frowning. He chuckles and gave me a peck on my lips.

"Give me more."

He gave me another peck.

"I said more."

There, another peck.


Hearing me begging is a joy to him. He grinned and smashes our lips together again.

We continue kissing and ignored all of our assignments. The hell I care, all I wanted is to be kissed.

I'm sorry.

Just kissing, maybe?

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