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While our teacher is discussing, Agent 10–Travis rather, placed his hand on my thigh that stopped me from writing down notes. Haha yes, I'm taking down! He told me to write for a reviewer.

"Your hand, Watanabe. Your hand." I said, glaring at him. He smiled and cooed me by inching closer. I shyly grin and tried to avert my eyes. He's flirting with me!

"So Junghwan, is there any problem?" The teacher suddenly asks and all of their eyes are now looking at me. I was about to answer, but Travis meddled, "His stomach is aching, he forgot to eat his breakfast. I'll bring him to the clinic, Ma'am." What the heck, I'm damn full.

"Oh, god. You should've ate your breakfast before you went here, So Junghwan. And yes, take him to the clinic and please give him foods. So nice of you to look after him, Travis." The teacher says, admiring my damn bodyguard. I think they both have the same age, but I don't give a damn!

"Thank you. Let's go, Hwan." Haruto says and grabbed both of our bags as well as my hand. Hwan? He called me Hwan?

"I thought you already ate your breakfast?" Damn it, Park Jeongwoo. Shut the fuck up.

"He lied, excuse me." Travis answered that made Jeongwoo nodded and throws a glare at me saying you're a fake friend!

After we went outside the classroom, he looks at me with a smirk. What are you planning again!?

"Let's go to the clinic." He says and dragged me in the hallway. I'm not in pain! Nothing hurts, the heck.

We already arrived in front of it and it is freaking locked. However, I frowned when I saw Agent 10 unlocks the door with a spare key. He looked at me with a smirk, "Everything's possible with me, Junghwan." he says and pulled me inside.

He locked it again and puts our bags in the sofa. "Follow me." he commanded and my feet automatically walks behind him! The authority on his voice made me!

He stopped in front of the clinical bed that made me frown. He slowly turn around and faced me with a smirk. He sat down and pulled me, fuck! I fell on top of him, and I'm glad that he maintained his balance. I'm fucking sitting on his lap. Damn it. My cheeks are tinted in pink now, I can't look at him in the eyes. Sorry, but I'm feeling shy out of sudden. I don't know why!

He brushes the hair strands that covers my eyes and said, "One of your classmates is looking at your thighs." What the actual fuck. His eyes are staring through my soul with an evidence of irritation.

"What? Who?" I asked him with a glare, how dare him! I think it's a boy, tsk.

"I guess he must be Kanemoto Yoshinori. I put my hand on your thigh to annoy that brat and for him to know that I can be the only one to do it." Watanabe answers and teased me by wrapping his hand on my waist down to my hip and thigh. Gosh! He's seducing me!?

He stared at my eyes and his eyes glued on my lips. Gosh, my new bodyguard is far different from the previous ones!

He flipped our positions and hovered above me. My eyes widen and I noticed the lust in his eyes. I gulped my own saliva, this is so damn...hot.

"Junghwan, you're always making me awake at night." He whispers, staring at my eyes. "What do you m—" he cuts me off and smashes our lips together.

Flashbacks of our make out session made me weak in the knees. I never thought that we will be in this position again.

He's kissing me with aggressiveness, he's devouring my lips! I can taste and feel his tongue that is roaming inside my mouth. Gosh, he's really a great kisser!?

I held the back of his head, wanting him to kiss me deeply. Damn, I'm actually loving this!?

He went down to my neck and he marks me without any hesitation. He's owning me, not wanting to stop from his agenda. Where is this going?

He inches away catching his breath, "I want you, Junghwan." he whispers, looking directly to my eyes. His gaze is damn powerful that made me nod.

How can I reject him!? He's literally on top of me, I can't escape.

He unbuttoned my uniform while breathing heavily, freak he's...hot.

He stares at my skin and says, "Fuck" but it sounds like a compliment to me.

"You're really an art, your majesty." He whispers, I bite my lips preventing to smile, but my cheek won't let me! I cam feel the blood rush, he looks at me with a small smile.

He removed his top while looking at me, my knees ate getting weaker. I can't help, but to shiver because of his lustful gaze upon me.

Then he hovers above me again, kissing me with so much gentleness and passion. I was taken a back, but my mind was lost. I kissed him back, pulling him closer. He went down to my neck again and marks me the way he wanted, my body's shivering because of our skin being brushed and close with each other. It feels so damn hot and I'm on...heat.

W-we're really doing it?

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