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Agent 10 kept his promise. He really enrolled himself in my school, he looks young today! Far different from the Watanabe with authority in black suit.

"Do I look like a senior high school student now, kitten?" He asked me with a smile, of course I agreed. He went closer and fixed my clothes. "I'll rip this soon." He suddenly says that made me smack him! Gosh, he's still a pervert.

"You look like me now! But I look younger, of course." I responded, rolling my eyes.

I looked at the huge mirror, "I'm pretty." I whispered.

"Yes, you are." I heard him speak. He steps closer and pulled my waist. "Hide your face, I don't want other students look at you." He added that made me chuckle. Damn, possessive.

He inches away and grabbed our bags. I'm about to snatch my bag away from him, but he did not let me! "Let's go, kitten." I'm not a damn kitten!!

We were greeted by the maids and told us to eat breakfast first. I refused, but my body guard held my waist to stop me from walking away. "You need to eat, or else I'll—" gosh, I covered his mouth before he say something dirty. "Fine, Eat with me!" I yelled and looked at the foods.

"Why did you put with." He even said and I nearly panicked! The maids heard it and he's not even bothered!

He pulls the chair for me and I sat with a glare. He's just smiling and it really boils me up.

"Give me the sausage, I'm damn hungry!" I said, pointing at the mouth watering sausages in front of my body guard.

"Want to have mine?" I forgot! He loves to joke around, I face palmed my self. "The damn sausage, Watanabe. The food!" I repeated, glaring at him. He chuckled, "Here you go, boss baby."

Madame? Kitten? Baby? Boss Baby? What's next!?

I kicked his foot under the table.

"Junghwan, eat your breakfast, or else—"


He lifted his chair and sat beside me. Damn, he's too close! Dad might caught us, I'm screwed.

"Eat your breakfast or I'll eat you at dinner?" He whispered through my ear, his breath tickles me.

I looked at him with a glare, "In your dreams." I responded and smacked his chest.

He chuckles and we both began to eat, he don't like vegetables? "Woah, why are you not eating the salad veggies?" I asked him with curiosity. He looks at me and said, "I would only eat those if you'll put that in your body." What the fuck!? That's freaking dirty and kinky!?

"Fucking pervert." I hissed, glaring at him.

Finally, after a freaking though journey—that's what I thought. We're now inside the school, he's walking beside me with a fucking glare!? Why are you glaring!?

"What's wrong?" I asked him, he looks at me and said, "The boys are looking at your pretty face." that made me grin.

"Eh? Don't mind them, they don't even have a chance on me." I assured him, I noticed the small smile on his lips. Woah, he actually looks nice?

While walking on the hallway, Jeongwoo—a friend of mine who's also my classmate noticed me. "Oh! Hey, Junghwan!" He shouted while waving, he ran towards me with a huge smile. "Have you eaten your breakfast? We can eat at the cafeteria! They have a new menu. Guess what? Bavarian donuts!" He exclaimed, he looks like a marketing agent haha. He dragged me, but someone held my waist. Fuck! I forgot that my bodyguard is with me!

"He's fine, we already ate." Agent 10 mutters, placing me beside him while his hand is still wrapped on my waist. Gosh, so clingy!

"Eh? You finally found a new boyfriend?" Jeongwoo asks with a frown, I chuckled and swayed my head as a sign of no. But then!

I felt the death glare from Agent 10, he's freaking mad!? "So you had an ex." He whispers to me, I nodded with a shy grin.

But let's not talk about him, he hurt me!

"Oh, you're not dating? For real?" Jeongwoo interrogates again, pointing at Agent 10's hand that is still holding my waist.

"I'm his suitor and who are you?" Watanabe boldly asks, what!? He's lying again!?

"Ah, I'm Park Jeongwoo! Junghwanie's classmate!" Jeongwoo introduced himself with a bow. "Okay, I'm Watanabe Travis." Agent 10 says, Travis? I looked at him and receive a glare.

"Oh, Travis! Hello!" Jeongwoo says and offered his hand, I don't know why, but I glare upon my bodyguard. "Yeah, hello." Agent 10 says and bowed at him. He rejected Woo's hand haha.

After that, we went inside the classroom to finally start the class. Watanabe's eyes is roaming around, looking for any suspicious things and students. "You don't have to scan the whole room, Watanabe." I whispered to him, he's sitting beside me. I already have a seat mate, but he begged my classmate to exchange seats, freaking stubborn.

"But I want to secure your safety, your majesty." He responded in a teasing manner, I grinned and just rolled my eyes.

"Before we start our lesson. I'm happy to announce that you guys have a new classmate. Please go in front and introduce yourself." The teacher says, I look at him and kicked his foot. "Stand up." I whispered and he gave me smile. Wow.

He went in front of us with a huge smile. Gosh, he actually knows how to smile!?

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Watanabe Travis, 19 years old from Japan. I'm great at mathematics and taekwondo. Please, take care of me." Agent 10 says, taekwondo? haha why do he have to tell that. 19 years old, pfft hahaha. He looks at me and gave a flirty wink. God!

"Hmm, so why do you want to study here far from your country?" Our teacher asks again. He looks at me and said, "At first, my parents told me to continue our business here in Korea. But after a couple of months, I finally had the reason why I want to stay here." It felt real tho. What's the reason? I'm damn curious.

"Can you tell us the reason?" The teacher asks again, I look at him with a confused look. He chuckles and finally answers, "I already met the one I want to protect in my whole life."

Gosh, my cheeks are burning! Why do it feels like my stomach is aching? My heart is also beating so fast!

"Who's that lucky person?" The teacher asked again that made my heart skipped a beat.

Agent 10 gaze upon me, "It's a secret, but I know that he's the One." that's what he said.

My heart is beating faster this time. Oh my god.

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