moving in together

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I didn't really have any ideas for this so it might be bad bare with me here
This is my first dnf story. Hope you like this. And I'm open to requests for chapters but I do have some chapters planed so it might come after them.

Dream pov

Me sapnap karl and George are moving in together I'm so excited I couldn't sleep last night at all I can't wait for George to arrive er have almost been dating for 6 mouths.I'm about finished unpacking my stuff just a few things left I'm first here so I got nothing else to do so I will help the others when they get here. "Dream I know your here I saw your car! " sapnap yelled I immediately ran down and hugged him "are you the only one here" sapnap asked " yeah I just finished unpacking do you want help unpacking? " I asked nah I'm good George should be here soon so you can wait for him simp" " I'm not a simp" I acted as if I was affended " I will see you after I unpack" okay sap I'm ganna wait for George" I waiting for like 30 minutes sitting like a puppy waiting for their owner. I heard a car pull up, I heard George voice then I heard karls voice "sapnap they are here" I yelled then George came in and saw me he smiled I love when he smiles karl laughs at us then George sat down and we hugged for a bit.

Sapnap pov

I heard dream yell that karl and George are here while I was unpacking secands later I hear karls laugh I went to say hi and saw George and dream on the ground I gave karl a hug and we went upstairs to unpack on the stairs I almost missed a step because I was admiring karl he looks so cute in person then in facetime I wanted to kiss him so bad but I didn't cause wht if he didn't like me? I went to my room and continued to unpack I could hear dream and George next door teasing each othero like " I will kiss you if you dont stop" and " I will make sure you won't walk for a week if you dont stop" I mocked. I'm so jealous I really want that love from karl I signed as I finished unpacking I walked downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat karl came down soon after yawning " you should go to sleep if your tired it's like 9pm anyway I might go to sleep I'm tired too I will see you in the morning karl goodnight tell George and dream I said goodnight if you see them. "Okay sappy" karl giggled man I love when he giggled.

Dreams pov

Me and George were teasing each other till karl came and told us he's going to bed and said goodnitht and sapnap says goodnight "goodnight karl" me and George day in sync " we have been teasing and not unpacking we have like more then half of my suitcases to unpack" George complained we don't we put on a movie while we unpacked we ended up taking taking 3hours to unpack "finally done" George yelled excitedly
"Shh we don't want to wake up karl and sapnap it's midnight George " I wheezed " yeah right " "let's got to bed I'm tired" "I'm really tied" George replied. We cuddle while we slept it was so comforting.

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