Stormy Night

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Sorry this was so late this might be really bad

George pov

I was taking a nap (at 12pm) I woke up to the sound of thunder in a shiver I have been scared of storms since I was a child it is really childish to be scared of storms  I haven't really told anyone but karl but of course he told sapnap  I was terrified but with no one to hold onto me and make me feel loved dream was hanging out with drista " annual sibling hangout day" they call it I really want dream to hug me and embrace me but he's not here all I have is karl and sap 'just no' I thought

I was deep in throught when I heard a knock at my bedroom door "yes!? " I yelled " can I come in? " I headed karl say "yeah come i-" I heard the thunder again and whimpered in fear  karl came in and sat next to me to comfort me but I only want dream no one else 'I was really picky about who conforts me in storms' " I know dreams out but he will be back soon okay george? " "yeah I guess" I heard the thunder again ' why does thunder have to be so loud' I thought to myself 

(Time skip)

It's like 9pm where is he "ack!" I yelled as I heared the thunder "I'm home" I heard dream yell from down stairs I immediately ran and hugged him "I see  you missed me" " no I didnt" I said backing away "your finally home george here nee-" " I wanted to cuddle that's what I wanted " I interupted sapnap " awww did gogy wogy miss me well we can cuddle later I have to films video with bad and sap" dream said I glared at sap while he walked to the gaming room with dream and karl standing next to me. "You should probably tell dream your scared of storms" " it's embarrassing karl I'm 25 ( for this story) and scared of storms" I mumbled "he will find out soon anyway"  he's right I thought I sat down to watch a movie to try to distract myself from the storm.

(Time skip)

Dream pov

I was playing Minecraft with sap and bad when bad had to leave so I left the game and turned my PC off as I went to leave the room but stopped when I heard sapnap say "did george not tell you?" " tell me what? I asked "well karl told me after george told him" " and what exactly did george tell karl?"  " of yeah he told me that george told him that he's scared of storms-" sapnap must of heard the door shut because he stopped taking  I made my way to find george he was sitting on the couch with karl and patches with her blanket "george?" His head shot to look at me "yeah? " he replied as karl walked away to find sapnap " why didn't tell me you were scared of storms" "who told you that" " sapnap told me that you told karl and karl told him so why didn't you tell me?" I questioned " it's embarrassing like I'm 25 and scared of something childish"  " it's not childish george  let's go upstairs and watch a movie together" " okay thanks dream" george smiled we grabbed patches and her blanket and walked upstairs.

Sorry this took so long I got bored in the middle of writing this  it's really short I ran out of ideas tysm for reading this

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