movie night

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Sorry this might be a bit late I'm trying to write a chapter a night Australia time again sorry if this is bad. This chapter was short I didn't really have many ideas.

George pov
I'm sitting on dreams lap while watching s movie with sap and karl it was a pretty boring movie I I looked out the window I can see dream looking at me in the corner of my eye I just ignore it until I started to feel something pocking me my I could feel my face warming up 'I don't think dream knows I can feel his hard member against me. Karl and sapnap are almost asleep on the floor dream is still looking at me and his member keeps pocking me I decided to go to bed and leave them to finsish the movie "I'm tired im going to go to bed"  " I will come join you after the movie bub" dream stated  "goodnight george" karl and sapnap both said without taking there eyes off the tv.

Karl pov

I was laying with sapnap on the floor watching a movie with dream and George on the couch George said he was tired so he was going to bed I said goodnight but after George left dream said he was going to the bathroom "there's only five minutes left of the movie do you may as well go to bed after you go to the bathroom dream" sapnap complained? Why did he complain? I thought "earth to Karl?" Sapnap said "huh yeah sorry I spaced out" I replied "let's go to bed the movie is done" he said "yeah goodnight sap" it looks like dream is still in the bathroom. I went to my room and sapnap went to his. I showered in my bathroom and went to bed.

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