Chapter-4 : Before 0.1

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5 years ago


I was wide awake in my bed waiting for my father to leave for work. "When you find no solution to a problem, it's probably not a problem to be solved, but rather a truth to be accepted". It's really hard to live in a house where you feel like you do not belong there. It feels like every second you lose a small part of your soul.

I hear my father open the front door. After a few seconds, the car engine starts, and just like that car is gone. Now, I only have a few minutes to get ready for school, just three more years and I will be free to leave my father. 

"You are late again, Sebel Wilson" I hate that he always says my full name." I'm sorry Professor. It wouldn't happen again". I reply to him and move toward my regular desk. Someone's cute ass was already parked on the desk. Great

"Hey bel, come here and sit with me," Kristen says to me. Kristen is the most popular girl in class, her family The Walter's have a big name in town for their Youth Magazine company, but she is the only member in her family who is a kind one. But she was staring at a new girl who sat at my desk.

"Stop staring at her Kristen, it's creepy," I say to her. She chuckles as it amuses her. "I can't help it, she is cute" I opened my English literature book on the desk when she nudged me again. 

"Come on, Sebel" I take a long breath and turn to look. She has chin-length black hair, with feminine structure but was captured my attention was how she was sitting in a full room of strangers with expressions like she didn't give a fuck.

"Do you know her?" I asked Kristen because, what a girl like her rich, well-dressed was doing in a town like Ohioan.

"She moved to Ohioan two days ago to live with her aunt, Mrs. Smith. The widow's, you know" she said.

"Why it didn't surprise me, You always know before anyone," I say in amusement.

"That's the benefits baby when your whole family works in Magazine. You know who to dig for information" I laughed.

Kristen was still staring at her. I pinched her on the arm. She put her arms in surrender.

"I can't help it," she whispers back.

"I hear her father attempted suicide last Friday so she moves here," she says to me. That's the thing about humans we never understand: we don't know others' names or who they are but we know what happened to them but never understand their pain. Curiosity is the only thing that helps us to communicate with others.

I was about to ask her why her father does that but suddenly that girl turns around. Her pale green eyes forced on me, she didn't even look in Kristen's direction. I feel self-conscious, she knows we were talking about her. She has the most intense eyes I have ever seen.

For half an hour I focused on the Professor and didn't look for her. Something about the way she stared at me was terrifying.

My mother left me when I was six years old with my alcoholic father. I know why she left but never understand how she left her six-year-old child with an alcoholic man. After Mother left, things changed faster, he drank more and I almost slept with an empty stomach every night. 

When I was ten-year-old, my neighbor Mrs. Smith the Widow gave me a job at her bakery, where I learned how to bake and never go to bed with an empty stomach. I save my money for college and a big amount for New York. 

When you were barely a kid and you had to constantly worry about your daily mile, that's childhood teaching you how to survive. I survive pretty well but I still have to walk one and a half miles every day

I was halfway to my home when a car horn broke from behind me. She slows down her car and pulls her window. 

"Do you need a ride home" her voice was clear and husky like her. I look from right to left no one will know I go in her car if she murders me. 

"No thanks, I will be fine" I replied, starting walking again. I heard a car door slam shut, now I was going to die in the middle of the road. No, fuck I wouldn't die without a fight. I made a fist and was about to punch her when she took a step back.

"Whoo, what the fuck are you doing" she put her hand in surrender. She was wearing jeans with a cut-off blouse and I didn't see any object in her and suddenly felt embarrassed.

"I watch too many serial killer documentaries. I am sorry" she laughed, a full belly laugh not at all lady kind, and I like her laugh. 

"Thank you, I don't know when the last time I laughed like that" light pink shades cover her cheeks. I make someone blush.

"So, can I drop you home? It's on my way and I didn't hide any dead body in the car" she smiled and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Olivia Evans" I shake her hand.

"Sebel Wilson, it's really fine I have a habit of walking home" I smile at her. I didn't want my father to know that he was home and that I was taking a ride from a beautiful girl. I feel a strong urge to protect her.

"Sebel Wilson, will you give me pleasure to drop you home" she jiggled her eyebrows. I laughed.

"I have some selfish reason behind it too" my eyes widened on the last sentence.

She chuckled silently.

"Not what I was suggesting, I didn't know anyone here and already everyone gives me names, a daughter of a dead father, who hung himself" I didn't know how to react.

"My aunt informed me you are a great person to be friends with" she stretches her neck. 

"I will let you drive me but you have to promise you will stop the car away from the driveway" she looked confused but she agreed.

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