Chapter-7 : Before 0.2

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"Good morning, Mrs. Smith," I said when I entered the bakery in the early morning. Mrs. Smith was standing at the counter. She smiled wide when she saw me coming.

"Good morning, dear," she replied and I make my way to the counter to hug her. "How are you feeling today, Ellen?" I asked her.

I watch her closely to disclose any tiredness. She was more tired for the past few days and that worries me to no end. I don't know what I will do if something happens to her. She was my only family.

"Don't worry yourself, child, I have more years in my book to live" I laughed at her cheerful behavior.

"I always worry about you, Ellen" I kissed her cheek and made my way back to the kitchen. I change into my work clothes and check out today's menu.

I was halfway to my work when I heard a doorbell ring. I glance at the clock on the wall. It shows at 5:30 in the morning. We didn't have customers coming before 7:00. I untie my apron and make my way to the front counter.

Ellen was talking to a girl who had a black hoodie and sweatpants. She has her back on me, but her jet-black hair gives her away.

"Sebel, meet my niece, Olivia" she turns around and smiles at me with her piercing green eyes. They look more grey today.

"You remember me right, we met in English class," she asked me. "Of course," I say to her and turn to Ellen. I don't know why but her stare makes me uncomfortable.

"So, What are you doing here? We didn't have a class before 8:00 am" I sound way too harsh to my ear. "I apologize dear, I forgot to mention that Olivia will be helping in the kitchen from now on" Ellen looks anything but sorry.

Ellen was the only person who knows I prefer girls over boys, I start to regret my decision to come out to her. Thanks to her I know every gay in our town.

"It's not a problem right," Oliva asked me with a teasing smile. "No" I stare at her and she smiles wildly. I was pissed and I don't know why. Maybe I just didn't like her or otherwise.

"Okay, Sebel will you show Olivia today's menu? Olivia knows how to bake '' she said and walked to the counter.

"Shall we?" Olivia asked me as she made her way toward me. I turn around and walk to the kitchen.

"I have to say my Aunt has a beautiful chef," she says from behind my back. I ignore her and walk to the closet for the apron. I glance at my back, she ties her hair in a high bun. God, she has beautiful hair. I feel my cheeks burn.

I quickly look away and search for an apron. It was on the top rake. I stood on my tiptoe but only my fingertip touched its raper. I took a deep breath and tried again, but my breath was stuck in my throat when I felt a warm hand wrap around my waist. Her front covers my back.

She tighter her hand on my waist. Her other hand took an apron. Fuck, She was a couple of niches taller than me. I can feel her hot breath on my neck, I'm pretty sure my face was burning in a bright shade of red.

"Sebel" she whispers in my ear, I surrender the way she says my name. "hmm" her lips touching my neck, I was too shook to form a complete word.

"You lie, you didn't remember me" she touched her lips to my neck. I surrender under her touch. "But I miss you, bel" her voice sounds too familiar but I can't place her in my mind.

I turn around in her arms. She pins me between her and the shelf. "I didn't understand," I whisper back. She chuckles and tracks the scar on my forehead. I got that scar when I was little riding a bike.

"So, how many pastries do we have to make before school?" She kisses lightly on my temple and removes herself from me. I feel sad and lost when she removes her hands. I feel that type of sadness when mom didn't come home for the night.

"Come on, We have a lot of work to do '' she smiled. I nod and start to explain we have to make a cinnamon roll, cheesecake, or chocolate chip cookies.

Every few minutes, I glance at her. She bites her lower lip when she focuses on the last cinnamon rolls. I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I have to say you know how to bake, Olivia," I said, feeling more comfortable with her. Her intense green lifted to mine blue hazel from cookies.

"Oh, I know a lot of things to make a woman happy," she said, arching her perfect eyebrow. I deeply blush. "You're cute" I roll my eyes and hide my smile.

"We should get going, you don't want to be late again, Ms. Wilson," she said and took my hand. I laugh at her expiration. "No, I don't professor," she smiles wildly. I love her smile. We both change formwork clothes.

"You can come to my house, I can make you a banana pancake with vanilla" I froze. How she knows what I like to eat for breakfast. I gave her a look.

"I happen to know your mom made you a banana pancake when you were little" she lifted her hand in surrender when I glared at her.

"How do you know," I asked in shock.

"I know a lot of things, Sebel. Like your father was a dangerous man to be around. He has a drinking problem. How do you love to watch the rain? ''She comes closer to me.

"When I was little I used to come to live with my aunt on summer break. Like yours, my parents didn't want me around. So, I come here on brakes and watch you play with your mom on the backside. We used to ride bikes together. I was there when you fell on the ground" her eyes held deep pain.

"Why didn't I remember you then," I asked her.

"We were little and you never really paid attention to me. Like I said I used to watch you from afar. I used to sit in my room's window or backyard and watch you talk to your mom" she takes my hand and kisses it. She sounds small, devastated.

"Come on, we're going to be late" she guides me outside. I look at her face and tighter my fingers on hers.

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