Chapter-10: Sober Accident

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After they left me alone in my office, I buried myself in work. I was more worried about Olivia after what Ms. Walter said to me. Maybe she lost someone too close to her. Her eyes held so much pain in them. I breathe out and log out from the computer.

On the outside, I meet with the empty hallway. No one here at lunch hour. Only Ethan was sitting in his chair, deep at work. I feel my heart melt knowing after two years of dating he still waits for me.

After buying lunch for both of us, I made my way to his desk.

"Hey, I miss your beautiful face," Ethan said to me when he saw me coming.

"You brought me lunch," he smiled at me. I place food on his desk and grab his shirt to kiss him.

"I miss you too," I whisper against his lips. He gives me a bright smile and kisses my forehead.

"I was thinking maybe you want to go out with me tonight. I hear there is a beautiful bar downtown. We should celebrate your promotion," he smirk. 

"How can I say no? I love to go out with you only if you promise to do something for me later at night," I say while raising my eyebrow.

"Anything you want, my lady," he whispered and grinned at me. I was going to kiss him again when I felt someone was staring at him. 

In the middle of the hallway stood a pale Olivia. She looked at us like we were doing something wrong.

"Ms. Evans," I said to her while making the distance between Ethan and me. She avoided making eye contact before stepping onto the elevator.

Her barely making eye contact bothers me to no end.


After half an hour later in the bar, I volunteered to buy drinks for us. I was out of my breath from all dancing that on my way to the table I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming," I apologize to the woman whose expensive dress I just ruined by red wine. I place my empty glass on the near table and grab a tissue to help her.

"What" a husky drunk voice asked me. Cold, slender fingers wrap around my waist. 

Her bloodshot eyes look more green than grey.

"Hey, are you okay?" I grabbed her arm to steady her. I have Deja-ve, I bump into her somewhere. I pushed their hair aside from her face and shook her shoulder to get her attention. She so wasted, but she still looks good. 

"Ms. Evans," I said and placed one hand on her waist to steady her and feel extremely uncomfortable under her intense gaze. Her pricing orbits looked down at my soul. "Did you need a ride home?" I asked, and she shook her head. I scan the bar to find a familiar face. 

"You have beautiful eyes, bel" she touches my cheeks gently with her fingertip. Her fingertip makes me shiver. I feel something bloom on my chest, but I only have two drinks all evening. I was pulled out of my train of thought when a hot breath touch my neck.

"Olivia, did you come with someone?" I nuzzle her from my neck and pull out my phone to massage Ethan.

"Meet in the parking lot"

"Don't leave, bel" she whispered in my ear. Her hot breath touched the sensitive area below my ear and breath cough on my lungs. I gently take her face in my hand and place it on my shoulder and lose my grip on her waist, but she tighter her hold on my hand.

"This is not good," I whispered.

"Okay, I'm here. But you have to give me your address" she didn't seem to hear me, so I patted her cheeks for a response but she cough me off ground by try to kiss me neck.

"Wo wooo what the fuck..."

I sing and took her belongings, then wrapped my hand around her now pass-out self and made my way to the exit. 

"What happened? Is she, you found drunk Ms. Olivia Evans" Ethan's loud laughter echoed in the empty parking lot. I give him my death glare that make him chuckles silently.

"haha, you get your entertainment now. Can you please help me? She is way heavier than she looks," he placed Olivia's right arm on his shoulder.

After placing her on the back sit he makes his way to the passage side and opens a door for me. "Hey, if you didn't mind," I said while opening the back door and sat beside her. He gives me a weird look but runs to the driver's side.

I look at Olivia's face, which was pressed against a window. Her hair was now plastered against her face from sweet and her mascara was running down her cheeks. There is a sudden urge to comfort her. I can feel a range growing deep inside of my heart. I want to hurt those who handled her drinking. 

I place her face gently on my lap and move her hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Ethan, can you pass me a tissue? Give me two," I said and pressed my finger on her forehead, making her visible frown disappear.

"Ethan, did you hear what I say?" I look at the front. Ethan was staring at Olivia on my lap while his knuckles goes white. "Ethan, are you okay?" I didn't know why whispered.

"I need an address Sebel and I placed a tissue beside you," he said while looking in front. "oh, sorry," I said to him.

"I asked Harper for the address, she sent it to you" he checked his phone and nodded without looking back, and started a car.

I took a tissue and cleaned her face gently. She moved closer to my body heat and mumbled something. I took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulder, and moved my fingers through her hair. She looks so cute and peaceful.

I looked in front Ethan was still staring in the front mirror. I late out a breath and looked outside while still moving my finger on her hair.

When we arrived at the building, Ethan was avoiding me I know something was bothering him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him and Oliva pressed her body more to me. He glace at her and nods his head.

"Looks like someone was home," he said, breaking an uncomfortable silence.

The apartment's main door lights were on. "Maybe they left it on," I said while knocked on the door.

Ethan moves  her arm form his shoulder and knocks twice on the door. I grip her waist tightly and places her head on my neck. 

"Did she have a key with her, maybe in her wallet" I gave him the wallet, he pulled out her apartment key and was about to unlock a door when we hear light footsteps.

"Yeah, someone was home," Ethan said and took a step back. "Olivia, it's that you. I thought you have your key. I was worried about you love" we hear a faint husky voice of a woman. Ethan raised his eyebrows.

The door opens and we meet cold blue eyes.

"Good Evening Ms. Walter," Ethan said.

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