Chapter: 12- Frame

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Before- Olivia

I was standing outside of Sebel's house, too afraid to go inside. She told me thousands of times to not come near the house when her father's home and I complied with her wishes, so I didn't come alone.

In the early morning, I was working in the bakery with her and saw a large fingerprint on her neck. When I asked her about it she covered it. Since then I had strange feelings in my stomach and she didn't come to school.

“Do you think he's abusing her, Kristen? You know she wouldn't hide it for me, ''Kirsten was standing beside me, staring at the house window.

During lunch, she asked me about Sebel's absence and I told her what I saw in the morning. She demanded we should check on her.

“We are talking about Sebel. You won't know a thing if she doesn't want you to know. She never missed out on a day. One time I asked her about it and she told me she just didn't like to be at home” she cursed while glaring at the window.

“It looks like Mr. Wilson's home. We can't go to the front door, so I think we need to climb a tree to reach her room window” Kristen said and took a step toward her house.

“Hey, Kristen, thank you for coming” she nods and drags me to the tree.

“No problem. She is my friend, too. I care about her.” I feel stupid for a strange reason. 

“Olivia, do you like her? You know, like more than a friend,” she mumbled while avoiding eye contact. 

“Yes, I love her,” I said.

 She stares at me. Her light blue orbit almost looks vibrating.

“But you didn't have your first kiss,” she said. If we were not about to break someone's house, I would laugh.

“What, it doesn't matter, Right? Anyway, how do you know?” She gave me a look. She looks so vivid.

“My bad, of course, You're The Kristen Walter,” I said while rolling my eyes.

“Okay, it does matter, but I'm happy for you,” she whispered. We hear a loud bang come from her room.

“Okay, let's do this. I will claim the tree while you focus on Mr. Wilson's Kitchen. When I give you a signal, you will listen. Olivia, when I say run, you will run, and don't get us any help,” she took off her flannel shirt.


I drag her behind the tree.

Did I hear right? Didn't go for help? 

“What the fuck did you just say?” I shout.

“Shhhh, we didn't want him to know we were in his backyard. Look, we can't ask an adult for help. Don't forget we are Ohioans, not New York.” I shook my head.

“I didn't understand. He's beating her a minor, for fuck’s sake.” I point my finger at the window to make a point.

“You are right. She is a minor. If police are involved, she'll be taken out of Ohioan. We will never know where they take her. Believe me, I hear stories they didn't go to foster care. They just vanished. Sebel's father wasn't a good man, but he has more power than us. He will save himself.” I'm too shocked to react. 

“Just believe me, okay? When she turns eighteen, she will run away. Now help me claim,” I nod and help her claim.

From the outside of the window, I can make out a tall figure pacing in the room. It Looked like he was yelling at her. In one hand he holding a frame.

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