Chapert-8 : Request

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"So, What's your name," I asked that cute receptionist. We take a left turn from Olivia's office. I don't know what I say that makes her leave. I scanned the floor but didn't find her. I didn't understand why I was so desperate to make sure she was fine.

"Oh, where are my manners, Ms. Wilson. Harper Jonas. It's a pleasure to meet you" she replies with chuckles and stops in front of the door. Which I guess was going to my new office. If I still have that job. She gestures for me to enter.

I take a deep breath and push the door. I was more nervous after meeting Ms. Evans. The lavender smell fills my lungs. I enter the room with Harper behind me.

An oak polish desk was pushed to the side of the room with chairs. One bookshelf and a black leather couch on another side. Room has the most expensive decoration with blue walls.

A figure was standing in the floor-to-ceiling window. Completely lost in her thoughts.

She has her back on us but I can tell she was beautiful. She wore black trousers with a white sleeveless blouse. She has a divine feminine structure. Harper cleared her throat from behind me.

"Ms. Walter, I don't know you are here" she sounds almost scared. Kristen Walter was a big name here. She holds more power than her father in this company.

"Good morning, Ms. Walter. I'm Sebel Wilson, the new Manager Editor. It's a pleasure to meet you" I try to make conversation. She turned around and stood beside a desk.

"Harper, can you leave us alone for a moment" her pricing blue eyes glaring at me. She doesn't even glance at Harper. Her eyes travel from my head to toe.

Harper nodded and closed the door silently behind her. I was still staring at the door when heel's clicked on the floor. I turn around to face her. Her blond hair was shining from the sunlight coming through the window.

She was breathtaking.

"You know I especially decorate that room for you," she said boldly and sat on the chair. What she says. I clear my throat.

"Thank you. Ms. Walter" I said. She chuckled lightly and gestured for me to take a seat opposite her. I made my way to the chair and the whole time, she was staring at me.

"I saw your record, Ms. Wilson. I have to say you work pretty hard for this position. Any other reason that I should be aware of, you specifically applying on the fourth floor" she asked. I hesitate before replying.

"Yes, I applied for a position on the 4th floor three times and finally accepted. I want to work beside Olivia Evans. She inspires me to work hard. Since I joined Youth magazine I have always wanted to work with her" I explained.

She flinches when I say Olivia's name.

She tighter her jaw but what terrified me most was her eyes. The blue orbit goes completely darker. Maybe I say something bad.

"Sebel, is it' ' her voice makes me surrender but not in a good way. I nod my head. "You know that she was my fiance, right? '' Her voice took a possessive turn, and my eyes went wide.

"Oh no, No. I admire her like an ideal" I rumble. She stood up from her chair and took a step closer to me. She stops in front of me. An imaginary force pins me on the chair.

God, that woman was scary.

"You know Sebel, Olivia was sensitive when it came to accidents or deaths. So, I came here for a request. I want you to go easy on her when you talk about the gap on your CV. She lost someone close to her in a car crash and they didn't make it through " she looks calm from the outside. But I know better. She sat beside me and placed her hand on my leg.

She was having a war inside of her head, Unsaid tears pulled on her blue eyes. Kristen looks like a strong woman. So, it must be important to her because she was showing her valuable side to a stranger.

"I request you to not discuss any accident-related information with her or how you lost memories. I didn't want to lose her, Sebel" the way she said my name sounded familiar.

"She will do everything to talk about the accident. She will ask questions" one tear rolled down from her eyes. She looks so much in pain.

I place my hand on her.

"You do love her, Ms. Walter," I said. A wide real smile bloomed on her face. Her diameter was completely changed, her eyes take a clam shade and her shoulder relaxes.

"I do," she said and stood. "So, I assume this will stay between us. I came here as a woman who loves her fiance and does anything for her" I nodded and stood.

"I will remember that Ms. Walter" she nodded and left the room quietly.

I have the most wired day of my life.

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