4 | Home Alone

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It was Friday evening now. Komaeda was home alone. His parents were on the business trip his father had told him about. They owned a huge company so they were pretty famous. They always tried to keep Komaeda away from the cameras to let him have a normal life, but it obviously didn't work well.

There were paparazzi at Komaeda's elementary school enrollment, he had a stalker and he constantly got invited to be on TV, which his parents always refused.

That stalker person still hadn't left him alone. It was weird to Komaeda. If he was a famous singer or model it would be kind of understandable to have very obsessive fans, but he was merely the son of the owners of a huge tech company. He'd never done anything amazing, he wasn't special. What he was right now, however, was scared.

He kept hearing noises coming rom outside the house, from his garden. Right now, he was checking if all the doors and windows were locked. He had texted Hinata already, but the other boy hadn't replied so far.

Komaeda locked another window as he heard someone outside step on a stick. He tried hard not to cry. Finally, his phone vibrated, signaling that Hinata had answered.

Hinata-kun: What?? Have you called the police??

Komaeda: no I don't wanna make too much noise

Hinata-kun: I'll call them

Komaeda: Thank you!! I'm so scared

Hinata-kun: Dw babe it'll be fine. Now I'll call them rq

After a few minutes, Hinata texted him again.

Hinata-kun: They'll be there in like 30 minutes

Komaeda: why that long?? Im so so scared

Hinata-kun: you'll be fine. I'll come over and stay with you for the rest of the weekend ok? You'll be fine nagi

The person outside was using a flashlight to shine inside the house. Komaeda ducked down so he couldn't be seen.

Komaeda: they're looking inside the house

Hinata-kun: take deep breaths babe you'll be alright

Komaeda tried his best to follow Hinata's advice, but he heard footsteps.

Komaeda: they're inside

Hinata-kun: HIDE!!

Komaeda quickly hid inside a closet and turned down his screen's brightness.

Komaeda: I thought I'd locked all the windows and doors

Hinata-kun: don't make any noise and you'll be fine only 20 more minutes till the police are there

God, twenty minutes had never felt like such a long time.

Komaeda: I'm gonna die they're gonna kill me

Hinata-kun: you won't die! Don't say that!! If they find you, smash a lamp or smth on their head ok?

Komaeda: I'll try but I'm so scared

Hinata-kun: how close are they?

Komaeda listened.

Komaeda: can't type anymore they're in my room

Hinata-kun: stay calm dont make noise!

Komaeda: I love you

Then, he shut off his phone and held his breath. He was terrified as the footsteps came closer. He felt like his heart stopped when the closet door got opened. Komaeda hoped he couldn't be seen behind the clothes, but he was wrong. He shrieked as he got pulled out of the closet by his arm.

Komaeda landed on the floor and groaned in pain from the impact.

"P-please don't- don't hurt me!" He begged.

The person pulled out a phone and took several pictures of him. They wore black clothes, so Komaeda couldn't see what they looked like in the dark house.

"I-I'll do anything, just... please..." He whiped his tears.

"Look up," the person demanded and Komaeda did as he was told. They took even more pictures.

"A-are you gonna... hurt me?"

"No. Now get on all fours,"

"O-on.. all f-fours?" He questioned.

"Shut up and do what I-" Sirens could be heard in the distance. The person immediately began to run. Komaeda was too scared to try and catch them. When the intruder was gone, Komaeda went to pen the door and wait outside for the police.

Several cars arrived at the house and police officers ran out of them.

"Are you Komaeda?"

He nodded.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"My back hurts..."

"Did the intruder enter the house?"


"Did they harm you?"

Komaeda nodded again. "They... threw me onto the floor,"

"Did they say anything to you?"


"Alright, let's take you to somewhere safe first, okay? I'll bring you to the station and the others will investigate the house for any clues, alright?"

Komaeda shakily got up and got inside the car, he was trembling. They arrived at the police station and he was offered a blanket and tea. Komaeda gladly took them up on the offer. A while later the officer from before came up to him.

"My colleagues just informed me that they haven't found any evidence that could lead us to the culprit so far. They've found a single open window that they probably used to flee and enter,"

Komaeda looked up at the officer. "C-can I call someone to come pick me up?"

"...Sure. You'll have to come back tomorrow to be questioned though,"

Komaeda nodded and called Hinata. When he arrived at the station, he pulled Komaeda into a tight hug and kissed him.

"Are you okay? I was so worried,"

"I'm fine... just scared,"

Hinata whiped his tears away and kissed his forehead. "It's okay, I'll stay with you until your parents are back, alright?"

Komaeda nodded and Hinata drove them home. This time, Komaeda and Hinata made sure really every single window and door was locked. Komaeda was clinging onto his arm, not wanting to be left alone. Hinata rubbed his back reassuringly.

"I'm so sleepy..." Komaeda said.

"Let's go to bed then." Hinata kissed his forehead.

Komaeda and him got into bed and Hinata held him protectively.

"I'm scared..."

"Don't be, you'll be fine, Nagi,"

Komaeda hugged him tightly. "I-I want mom and dad to come back..."

"They'll be here soon, babe. Just two more days,"

"You're gonna stay with me, right? You won't leave me alone?"

"Of course I'll stay with you,"

Komaeda looked up at Hinata. "Can I kiss you?"

"Of course." Hinata cupped his cheek and they kissed. "Goodnight, babe,"

"Goodnight, Hinata-kun,"

♡ Unexpected | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now