Chapter 3

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Meredith Grey

The surgery is doing great I was sent out to go update the family. I see the man that was in the ambulance along with one other man and five women.

I'm assuming they are his family. "Are you Derek Shepherd's family?" I ask.

The older woman looks like she wants to say something but can't because of her crying. The older man that is holding her responds "yes" he nods.

I smile. "Good news he is handling surgery great it should be done in about an hour or less could possibly be more" I tell them.

"See I told you Derek is a fighter" one of the women say she's shorter than all of them and from what I saw of my patient they look a lot a like.

"Of course he is he's just Derek" a taller one with shorter hair said.

"Well I better go back in there I'll update you in a bit" I smile before heading back into the OR.

I re-scrub and get another pair of gloves on. "Grey get over here" Dr. Bailey says.

I walk over to the side opposite of her. "What do you see?" She asks.

I look at it for a little bit "is that what I think it is?" I ask.

"If you think it's a mass then you're correct" she says.

"Damn" I mutter.

"He must smoke it's pancreatic cancer" she says.

"It's treatable right?" I ask.

"Yes it is and he as choices, we could remove it surgically, he could start chemo, or we can do radiation therapy" she says.

"Okay, should I tell his family?" I ask.

"Yeah I'll close up" she says.

I nod and leave the OR. I walk back up to his family. "The surgery went well we are closing him up right now but.." I start.

"But?" The older woman asks.

"But we found a mass in his pancreas" I say.

"A mass as in cancer?" She asks.

"Exactly" I nod.

"Is it treatable?" She asks.

"Fortunately yes we caught it early enough he will have options of chemo, radiation, or surgery but we would have to do some tests" I explain.

"That's great that's...that's good right?" She asks.

"It is" I smile.

"Okay" she breaths.

"Okay" I smile before leaving to the locker room.

"Great work today Grey" I hear and I look to see Dr. Bailey.

"Thanks" I smile putting on my street clothes.

"You're going to have to keep an eye on him tomorrow and check on him before you leave would you? He has a catheter in because he won't be able to get to the bathroom for a few days" she said.

"Sounds good" I say.

"Okay" she says before walking out.

After I finish getting dressed I grab my bag and walk to Derek's room or as I should refer to him as Mr. Shepherd.

I get there to see him awake but very high on morphine. I see his mother sitting with him. "Mrs. Shepherd" I smile going over to make sure everything is fine.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asks.

"I could ask you the same question" I giggle.

"Derek!" His mother scolds.

"It's okay just the drugs talking" I smile.

"Eh I don't care you're hot" he shrugs.

"Really you think so?" I ask checking his iv.

"Yup" he says popping the 'p'.

"Thank you" I say walking around his bed.

"Ma isn't she beautiful?" He asks looking at his mother.

"Oh yes very" she chuckles.

"Yeah I think so too" he smiles looking at me.

"You are something else" I laugh shaking my head.

"I'm sad" he pouts changing the subject.

"Oh yeah why is that?" His mother asks.

"They put a tube in my dick" he says crossing his arms.

"Oh" I giggle putting my hand over my mouth.

"Derek Christopher" his mother says.

"What! It's true wanna see?" He asks

"No I think I'm good" I say.

"You're missing out I have a pretty big dick" he says.

"Hm" I hum trying to get off the subject.

"You know if you would just give in and look I bet you would want to have sex with me" he says casually.

"Hm" I hum again.

"Stop doing that" he says glaring at me.

"My bad" I smile.

"Good now back to what I was saying.." he says.

"Derek I think you've harrassed her enough" Mrs. Shepherd says taking his hand in hers.

"It's okay I'm finished for the night have a good rest of yours" I smile leaving the room.

I got home showered because I haven't for forty-eight hours. Then I got to my room curled up in my bed and passed out.


A little bit of Derek on morphine hehe...

Suggestions anyone?"

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