Chapter 6

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Derek Shepherd

After Meredith leave my sisters fully walk into the room. "What do you want?" I ask a bit annoyed.

"What was that talk about?" Nancy asks.

"She said she had a long day" I shrug.

"Hm" Lizzie nods slowly.

"What?" I ask.

"We think she likes you" Amelia says.

"Really?" I ask my heart beating faster.

"Just a feeling" Kathleen says

"Hm" I nod eating the fries Meredith gave to me.

"She give you those?" Ameila asks.

"Yeah" I nod.

"Score she's a keeper" Lizzie laughs.

"She's my doctor" I role my eyes.

"That you have a crush on" Nancy says.

"I don't have a crush on her" I scoff.

"Fine you are romantically attracted to her" she rephrases.

"Doesn't make it any better" I say.

"Since when do you eat fries anyway?" Kathleen asks.

"Since the cute intern gave them to him" Lizzie says.

"Mhm exactly" I say sarcastically. But it was true I never eat food like this.

"Don't lie Derek" Ameila said.

"I'm not I don't like my that way" I say.

"Mhm okay whatever you say" Kathleen says taking one of my fries.

"I'm going to bed good night visiting hour are over" I say.

"Fine byee Derek" Amelia says and they all leave the room.

I lay in my bed thinking about her. Could I be the person am I the one she likes but can't be with. No I would be me I'm just the guy with cancer that could die no way I'm that guy.

I sigh and close my eyes eventually falling asleep.

The next morning I wake up to Dr. Bailey and her interns as usual. "Morning Mr. Shepherd" Dr. Bailey says.

"Go away" I grumble putting my pillow over my head.

I hear rustling and look up to see Meredith with puffy eyes. It looks as if she cried all night. I look at the other interns because I know they are all her friends. They all look at me and shrug.

"What's wrong love?" I ask.

"Nothing Mr. Shepherd" she says with a fake smile.

"Hmm" I hum unconvinced.

"I know you still have another day Mr. Shepherd but have you made a decision yet?" Dr. Bailey asks.

"You know I have been thinking many people want to kill me I could walk out of the hospital and get shot again and die, I have no spouse or children, I do have a family a loving family but I'm just saying I could die anyway doc so maybe it's better if-" I was saying but stopped when I heard things fall to the floor.

I look up to see Meredith who had dropped the medical tools she had in her hands. "No, no, no, y-you can't you can't no no" she shakes her head stammering before she runs out of the room.

"We'll talk about this later Mr. Shepherd take a couple more days" Dr. Bailey says before her and her interns leave the room leaving me once again alone.

I sit there and think about it maybe she does like me in a more intimate way. What if I hurt her by saying that. I'm so stupid. I push away my thoughts and go back to sleep.

I slept for about three more hours. I woke up a little but ago and now someone is at my door knocking. "Come in" I grumble.

To my suprise Meredith walks in. "I have to take your catheter put since you refuse to let the nurses to their job" she tells me.

"Ahh so you do want to see it" I smirk.

"Derek you were just explain to us how you wouldn't mind if you died stop joking around" she says on the verge of tears.

"Meredith" I breath.

She walks closer to me. "Can you just live Derek please can you fight if not for anybody else do it for me please please please do it for me" she starts to sob.

"Meredith" I say again.

"Because I need you alive Derek I really don't want you to die please fight please do it for me" she continues to cry.

"Okay okay okay" I say getting her to calm down but she still had tears flowing. "I'll fight it" I basically whisper.

"Promise" she says grabbing my hand.

"Promise" I say and cover her hand with my other.

"You'll fight it" she repeats.

"I will" I say softly.

"So you really like me?" I ask.

"I do" she says with a teary laugh.

"How much do you like me?" I ask.

"This much" she says putting her hand on my cheek and pressing her lips against mine.

"That's a lot" I breath after she pulls away.

"I-I'm sorry you not feel that way b..because I can go I mean-" she starts.

"No no stay you have to take my catheter out" I say groaning into my hands at the last part.

So the feeling is mutual?" She asks preparing everything.

"Very" I smirk.

"Great now let's get this part over with" she says snapping on her gloves.



Suggestions are very much needed in this case.

It's 11 pm for me so goodnight people.

Uhm so quick question...does anyone else's eye like twitch kind of because mine does it's been happening for like a month and a half now and my left eye kind of like twitches it's weird..

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