Getting His House in Order whilst making deals with the Devil

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Y/N woke and smiled as he stretched, squeezing his lover who was laying on his chest. She woke, yawned and smiled- leaning up and kissing her boyfriend passionately.

"Sleep well darling?" She asked as she leant up on her elbow, smiling at Y/N.

"Best I did for months. How bout you love?"

"The same" Hermione said as she leant down and kissed her boyfriend again.


Y/N made pancakes for the both of them and got the kids' breakfasts ready while Hermione got dressed. His attention was drawn to a tapping at his kitchen window. He opened it and took a letter from the unknown owl, giving it a treat before it flew away. He opened it, read and smiled. It was from Nina. She was over the moon with his 'generous' offer and accepted, thanking him profusely. She would arrive in London on the 27th. Y/N looked at the calendar on their fridge.

He said a prayer to his ancestors, thanking them for having such an organised girlfriend. The night before Hermione had circled the date of the World Cup Final- Monday the 25th. Y/N smiled to himself. She must be excited. It brought him so much joy when she was happy and excited. He unsheathed his wand and added a note saying 'Nina arrives' on the 27th. He thought back to the night of the ball.


Nina was sat on Y/N's bed. Her hands were still shaking. She was obviously traumatised by what had happened, and when it was time to leave for the evening she had frozen up. Y/N suggested she come back to his room and she agreed.

Y/N poured a scotch for them both and handed one to her.

"For the nerves Nina. It's from one of my distilleries in Scotland. I warn you it's strong" Y/N said gently.

Nina nodded and took a sip, coughing. Y/N smirked and chugged his in one shot.

"Show ave" Nina giggled.

"Borderline alcoholic. Do you want to talk about tonight?"

"Vhat about it?"

"Nina.... what he did. Tried to do. It's a criminal act. I can go with you tomorrow to the Ministry hit wizards when-"

"No Y/N!" Nina yelled as she shot to attention. Y/N raised his eyebrows.

"I cannot go to police. He vould just deny... and he is a hero..."

Y/N dropped to his knees in front of Nina and gripped her hands.

"Nina... animals like him... they can't just get away with... if I hadn't been there...."

Nina looked at her friend and smiled slightly.

"You are very sweet. But Bulgaria is not like England. It is great shame for a voman to be..."

She couldn't get out the next words and she instead broke down. Y/N pulled her into a tight hug and she wept onto his shoulder for what seemed like hours. Y/N held her, letting her get it all out, stroking her back affectionately. When it seemed like she had no tears left to cry she leant back from the hug.

"Please Y/N. Please promise me you won't say anything. Please!"

"Nina I...."

"Please Y/N.... please!"

She looked at him pleadingly. Y/N sighed.

"I don't agree with it. You're the victim here... but if it's what you genuinely want... I give you my word. I won't say anything."

For You I Will #4- The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now