Game night with the party

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"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in the darkness. It is almost here..."

"What is it?" Will asked on the edge of his seat.

"What if it's the Demogorgon? Oh Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon." Dustin said in a panic. He was very stressed in his current situation.

"Damn straight, man. I don't think I have enough life points for a Demogorgon, mot with my odds at least." Myra crossed her arms, leant back in her chair, and pouted. The die had no mercy on her tonight.

"Guys!" Lucas shouted. "It's not the Demogorgon!"

"An army of Troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike added, temporarily easing Myra and Dustin.

"Troglodytes?" Myra and Dustin asked at the same time.

"Told ya!" Lucas smirked, proud of himself. Myra rolled her eyes.

"Wait a minute," Mike started, grabbing the attention of the others. Lucas' smirk faded then Mike continued. "That sound..." Myra and Dustin gave each other a knowing look.

"Boom...boom...BOOM!" Mike smack the table and the others flinched. "That didn't come from the Troglodytes. That came from something else." Myra's breath hitched and Mike smirked.

"The Demogorgon!"

The kids all groaned; frustration flooded their faces. Myra's casted arm ran its fingers through her hair as the other hit the table. "FUCK!" Dustin leaned back in his chair and sighed. "We're in deep shit." Mike then turned his attention to Will."

"Will, your action!" Will held a face of confusion. "I don't know!" Lucas and Dustin piped up. 

"Fireball him!"

Will turned to Lucas, "But I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!"

"It's too risky. Cast a protection spell!" Dustin shouted towards them. Myra nods along. "Don't be a pussy!" Lucas shouted. "Fireball him!" Myra slammed her palms against the table with a loud thump. "Casting a protection doesn't make him a pussy! It's a valid option and Will's best choice to survive his turn! Quit stressing him out and let him choose!" Her high-pitched yet raspy voice spoke loudly.

Lucas turned to the brunette. "Who asked you?" Myra instantly was offended. "So because I'm a girl my opinion doesn't matter?" Lucas panicked. "That isn't what I'm saying at all!" Dustin started to pull his hair out and Will just watched as Myra rubbed her hands together, it was obvious to him that she hurt them while trying to get the boys' attention. Will frowned as the argument got more heated until it was Mike's turn to slam the table. 

"The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you! BOOM!" Mike smacks the the table again as he finished his sentence.

"Fireball him!"

Christ sakes, BOYS!" 

"Another stomp, BOOM!"

"MIKE, chill man!"

Another smack on the table as the table as the chaos continued. 

"Cast protection!"

"He roars in ANGER!" 

At this point, Myra had given up and Will was panicking. Myra dropped herself into her chair and hit her broken arm against the table which resulted in another loud thud, Dustin was the only one who noticed Myra, who was desperately trying not to cry. Will finally picked up the dice and they then rolled of his hands. 

"FIREBALL!" And with that, the dice rolled off the board which led to rolling of the table. "Oh shit!" Will shouted and he fell to his knees and began searching for the dice. "Where'd it go? Where is it?" Lucas yelled. "I don't know!" Shouted Will. All of the boys were on the floor looking while Myra stayed in her seat while still holding her casted arm.

Migraine - Will Byers x F!OCWhere stories live. Discover now