Officially missing

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I made that picture btw 😘

Classes were slow until biology class with Mr. Clarke. Dustin and Myra were walking the halls together, Myra occasionally getting stopped to hear the story of how she broke her arm. The two reached class and got to their seats to meet with Mike and Lucas. Myra's heart broke when Will's seat was empty beside her. Lucas, Dustin, and Mike stared at Myra's depressed expression and frowned themselves. Myra sat in the back of the class, so without Will, she was alone in this class.

"Hello class! Go ahead and get your textbooks out and pick a partner. We are going to review chapter 17!" Mr. Clarke announced, starting the class. Myra got her textbook and flipped it to its respected page. She noticed the boys staring at her and she sent them a smile. The boys smiled back and turned back to face each other.

"I'm kicking Will's ass whenever he shows up." Myra turned to her left to meet a boy she has never talked to before.

"What? Why would you do that?" Myra asked him. The boy rolled his eyes. "Do you own a mirror? You're so upset because he is the only one who talks to you in this class. Do you even have other friends?" The boy whisper shouted. "Yes, I do. The three boys in the front." The boy moved to see the others. "Anyone else?" To that Myra shook her head and the boy sighed.

He put his hand out to her. "My name is Russel Holloway, call me Russ for short, and if you want, your partner today." Myra smiled widely. "Myra Hammond, I accept your offer and can't wait to work with you." Ross smiled and scooted closer towards Myra.

"Myra and Russ as lab partners? Never thought of you to be unfaithful, Myra." Mr. Clarke said jokingly, causing Myra and Ross to chuckle sheepishly. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas spin around. "Well she got over him quick." Lucas said. 

"She's allowed to have other friends. It's a good thing that she's hanging out with someone else." Mike said. "But she'll spend less time with us, and then we can't get her and Will together because she decided to befriend Russel Holloway!" Dustin told them. "Look Dustin, just because you have a crush on her too- ""I don't! She's like a sister to me! That's incest!" Dustin interrupted Mike. They all turned to the sound of Myra's giggle.

"Will's going to be really jealous. Poor guy has to sit right next to that when comes back." Dustin said. "Can we just focus on our assignment? Leave Myra alone." Mike told them. 

By the time class was over all of the students left except for Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Myra. They were excited as they were apart of Hawkins Middle School's audiovisual club. Mike was the present, but they would always forget because they acted as equals. The same goes for their DnD party, each their respective role. The A.V club was excepting some exciting equipment for said club today, it's a shame that Will had to miss, if it did come.

"Remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation. This will be on the test, which will cover chapters 10 through 12." Mr. Clarke started to trail off as the students left the classroom apart from the A.V club.

"Well Mr. Clarke. Did it come?"

Mr. Clarke sighed, "I hate to be the barer of bad news kids," All of their smiles faded. "But it came!" Mr. Clarke said with a smile. The children light up with excitement and run out of the classroom. Mr. Clarke follows them and unlocks the small room that the club uses. They flip on the light and on the table lies the brand-new broadcasting equipment. The four kids surrounded said equipment with delight and excitement. 

"Lady and gents, I present to you the Heathkit ham shack. Ain't she a beaut?" Myra's eyes lit up as she made eye contact with Dustin, their excitement and similar minds causing them to speak in unison. "I bet you can talk to New York on this thing!" Myra smirked at Dustin. "Jinx! You owe me a soda!" Dustin rolled his eyes. Mr. Clarke smiled at his students. "Think bigger."

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