Have you seen Will?

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"Where the hell are they?!" Joyce shouted out loud. The woman was currently looking for her car keys. "Jonathan?" She called to her older son. "Check the couch!" The boy shouted back. He was currently making breakfast in the kitchen while his mom was in the living room. "Ugh, I did!" Joyce shouted to her son; she did find look there but only did she find them when Jonathan said something. "Oh... Got them." Joyce put her keys in her purse and treaded towards the kitchens to bid her sons goodbye. "Okay, sweetie, I will see you tonight." Joyce pressed her lips against her son's cheek. "Yeah, see you later."

Joyce pauses. "Where's Will?"

"Oh, I didn't get him up yet. He's probably still sleeping." Joyce sighed loudly. "Jonathan, you have to make sure he's up!" Jonathan rolled his eyes, luckily for him, Joyce didn't see. "Mom, I'm making breakfast." Joyce stormed off to the bedroom of her younger son, she was still mouthing off to Jonathan as she walked away. "I told you this a thousand times." Joyce started mumbling to herself as she continuously got further and further out of range of Jonathan's hearing.

Joyce eventually got to Will's room. "Will! Come on, honey. It's time to get up." She pushed opened the door but to her surprise, all she found was an empty bed. She once again stormed out of the room to confront her older son. "He came home last night, right?" Jonathan put down the utensils in his hands while holding a look of confusion on his face. "He's not in his room?"

Joyce huffed in annoyance. "Did he come home or not?" Jonathan sighed loudly before answering his mother. "I don't know. "Joyce couldn't believe her ears. "You don't know? "Jonathan started stammering. "No. I got home late. I was working." "You were working?" "Yeah, Eric asked if I could cover. I said yeah. I just thought we could use the extra cash." Joyce continued to scold her son. "Jonathan, we've talked about this. You can't take shifts when I'm working." Jonathan nodded. "I know, I know. Mom, it's not a big deal. Look, he was at the Wheelers' all day. I'm sure he just stayed over." Joyce rolled her eyes and sighed loudly as she walked towards the house phone. "I can't believe you. I can't believe you sometimes."


"That's disgusting." Nancy said as she poked at her plate of breakfast, moving around a cut piece of pancake with her fork. She was watching her younger brother, Mike, smother his plate of pancakes with maple syrup.

"You're disgusting!" Mike retorted back to his older sister.

Karen Wheeler rolled her eyes at her two children when the phone began to ring. She then answered the phone to meet Joyce's voice. "Hello?"

"Hi, Karen. It's Joyce." Karen's eyes widened. "Oh, Joyce, hi." Karen's thoughts were interrupted by Nancy's reaction to Mike pouring syrup all over her breakfast. "What the hell, Mike?" Their father, Ted Wheeler, didn't exactly help by adding to the noise. "Hey! Language!"

Karen rolled her eyes once more. "Quiet!" Mike sighed and Ted went back to reading his newspaper. "Are you kidding?" Nancy muttered under her breath. "Was that Will I heard back there?" Joyce asked her friend. "Will? No, no, no, it's just Mike." Karen answered. "Will didn't spend the night?" Joyce started to worry. "No, he left here a little bit after 8:00. Why? He's not home?" Joyce felt anxiety rush through her. "Um, you know what? I think he just left early for...for school...Thank you so much. Bye." Karen held a face of confusion. "Okay. Bye."

Joyce sighed as she hung the phone back up. "He's not there..." Jonathan felt a pang in his chest. "W-What about the Hammonds? Maybe Will left early to eat breakfast again with Myra and just forgot to call this time." Joyce nodded and picked up the phone again, dialing the number of the best diner in Hawkins, Benny's Burgers.

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