Rap monster

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Do you?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Do you love me?"
I breathed out slowly. My head spun as I stared into his eyes. "Do you?"

Staggering out of the coffee shop, I limped weakily onto the cold grey streets. Tears streamed down my face. We can't be together. It's impossible. This is our fate.

Ever since Namjoon debuted, our relationship drifted away. I didn't think that this would happen. I thought he was the one for me. The one who would be by my side...forever.

And that's why I rejected him. To let him go...for him to be free...

- 1 year later -
Slipping on a white shirt and jeans, I headed towards the door. The stack of colourful shoes displayed themselves to me. Smiling, I picked up the pair of red coverses.

- Flashback -
"Buy this for meee," I attempted some aegyo. "Do you really need this?" he laughed. "No, but I want them," I pouted, making the cutest faces I could do. Noticing the frown on his face, I grabbed his hands. "Oppaaa," I called.

The reaction was immediate. His face turned pink. "I-I'll buy it for you." Laughing, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Victoryy!"

I bit my lip. It has been a year...I wonder how he's doing....

I strolled onto the streets when the sky rumbled. Raindrops fell on the ground. Pitter patter. I ran for cover. Shelter was nowhere to be seen.

The rain hit against my skin. A chill creeped up my back. I scanned the street. Nobody was around. Not a dry space was to be seen. Sighing miserably, I walked in the rain.

Suddenly, shade covered me. I looked up. A red umbrella blocked the rain. Turning around, I faced a tall man. Blinking slowly, I gasped. "Namjoon?"

He smiled gently. I stared at his dimples. "You're still the same..."
He gazed at me.
"Did you miss me?"

I gasped and pushed him away.
"Why did you come?! I broke up with you for a reason!"
"I know...and I regret letting you go...I'm back for you..."
"Who said I wanted you back?" I fought back my tears which flowed down my face.
Seeing my tears, he reached forward and pulled me into his arms. I felt his chest rise up and down as he breathed. "You have a future! You can't ruin that because of me!"
"I'll do anything for you," he whispered.
"You already let me go once," I yelled angrily.
"I hated myself for that decision."
"Well, I never regretted anything. I made my choice when I left you in that shop! I don't need or want you! Leave me!"
I shook my head furiously and ran.

Twisting my head around as I ran, I peeked at the lone figure, standing in the pouring rain, holding a red umbrella, watching....

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