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I pulled off my helmet and flicked my hair. Guys all around gaped with the mouths open, eyes shining brightly with respect. I smiled and gave a small bow. They cheered and applauded for no reason. Chuckling under my breath I plonked my helmet back on my head and walked away.

I pushed my foot down harder on the accelerator. The speed of the car made my blood and race pump hard. I made a wild turn on the race track and passed the finishing line.

The crowd cheered loudly as I was given the trophy. The other contestants glared at me furiously. "She's a girl." I heard the group of contestants grumble. "Why is she even particpating in this kind of activity? This ain't for ladies!" I turned my back towards them and laughed a silent laugh. Jealous punks.

I swapped my heavy uniform into a light short sleeved shirt and jeans. The locker room was empty as usual. No females ever come. I wiped my sweat on a face towel and sighed with content.

Suddenly, there was a slam of the door. Someone entered the locker room. I frowned. That's weird. There are no girls on the racetrack. I stood up and walked towards the door.

Standing at the entrance of the door was a tall man. His eyes widened at the sight of me. "Don't be mistakened! I just needed a place to hide!" I examined this man. He wore a white shirt and jeans. I laughed at this coincidence.

Puzzled at my laughter, the man stared at me weirdly. "What's wrong?" he asked cautiously. I laughed harder. "Sorry, it's just...I thought it was funny how we're wearing the same outfit." He glanced down at his clothes, then looked at me. He began to laugh as well. Through my tears of laughter, I noticed how handsome this man looked while he laughed. Nice...

"Wait what? You race as well?" he gasped with surprise. I gave him a wide grin. "Won today's race as well. It's funny how those men reacted. A girl beating them all." I recalled the jealous men.

"So that was you? I watched your race! Dude! You were amazing! But seriously, as a man, I felt ashamed of the other contestants. To be beaten by a woman?" Annoyed, I glared at him. "What's wrong with a woman?" I asked, wriggling my eyebrows. He watched me curiously. "So you're a feminist, huh?" I fiddled with my fingers. "I guess you could say that." I laughed.

He glanced at me. "You laugh a lot. It's cute." Shocked by his statement, I bit my lip. Noticing the sudden awkward silence, he babbled on. "So...uh...maybe we could meet each other again? You seem like a nice girl to have a conversation with..." he looked at me with hopeful looking eyes. "Sure" I smiled. "See you...?" He nodded. "See ya!"

The next day was bright and sunny. I thought about my encounter with that man. Suddenly I realised. I didn't ask for his name! Slapping my forehead, I groaned at my stupidity. Oh wells.

Today is an important day. It was the finals for the Racing Competition. If I make it through this round, I would be able to attend the nationals. Happiness bubbled through me. I felt my confidence boost. I know I can do it!

On your marks! Get set! Go!
The gun shot rang in my ears.
My foot pressed down on the accelerator. Excitement ran down my spine. I focused on the racetrack. I knew I was in the lead. From the back of my eye, I noticed a car starting to advance on me. I changed direction.

The car was uncontrollable. The crash was inevitable. I heard a loud screech. Panic and fear controlled my mind. I did my last attempt at saving myself. I steered the steering wheel and hoped for the best.

Slightly smiling, I watched as she entered her car and got ready to begin her race. She looked so excited and bubbly. I grinned. When she finishes her race, I'll go talk to her again. My heart beat faster as I thought about our conversation yesterday night...she's actually so cute...

The racecar steered out of control. It spun in wild circles, round and round and round. It was going towards the brick wall. I desperately prayed that the injury won't be bad.

Suddenly, another racecar drove into her car. I froze. Anxious thoughts whirled around my brain. I felt dizzy with worry, panic and fear. My heart started to beat faster...in fear for her life.

Smoke and fire crackled and curled at the car. The crowd silently watched as the ambulance made their way on the racetrack. I scanned my eyes at the car. Please be okay. Please be okay. They wrestled the door open and took out the driver. They placed a fragile looking body onto the ambulance van.

I strutted nervously around, waiting for the news of her. I heard a sound. The door of the emergency room clicked open. A doctor exited the room. I grabbed his arm. "Is she...is she okay?" The doctor removed my hand from his arm and shook his head. My heart dropped.

I carried a bonquet of flowers. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I went to her grave. Evelyn Jacqueline Jones. Evelyn...Jacqueline...Jones... I whispered her name in my mind again and again. We didn't even get to meet each other again. I thought....she was the one....the destined one for me...

I visited the grave from time to time. The girl who laughed a lot. The girl my heard started beating for. The girl who died in front of my eyes...


A group of men wearing racing uniform held small bonquets of flowers stood in a line in front a grave. "Told you this ain't a sport for women." one of them grumbled. "You were a great racer, lady. I actually had great respect for you..." They placed the flowers on the grave before putting a helmet onto the grave as well. "Rest in peace Evelyn..."

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