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I picked Lacey up around five minutes ago, and fuck

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I picked Lacey up around five minutes ago, and fuck... that pretty little white dress was putting thoughts into my mind. Thoughts I didn't want in my mind when I had only met her yesterday.

I couldn't ruin her, yet. She's too innocent. The way she blushes at every nickname I give her, fucking adorable.

"Woah, your car is fancy." She told me, gasping slightly at the sight of my car. She got on her tiptoes, getting close to my ear and whispered, "That man looks scary, why is he stood by your car?"

"Don't worry, darling. He's my friend, he's just coming with us." I reassured her, not wanting her to be scared of the man who was going to be protecting her. Although, he was the best assassin on our team. She had the right to be scared of him, yet she didn't know how ruthless he truly was. He was just staying in the car anyway, I was going to call if I needed him. She doesn't know that about me either, that I am a cold hearted killer.

She just nodded in response, yet her facial expression didn't show the same reaction. She still looked quite scared, I hoped that would change soon.

We walked up to the car and Ace's eyes immediately landed on Lacey's chest. I clenched my jaw at the sight and opened the door for the back seats of the car for her, "Get in, love. I'll sit next to you."

"You're not driving?" She questioned me, furrowing her eyebrows slightly as she looked up at me, her hand still interlocked with mine.

"I have a driver, he's going to take us to whatever ice cream shop you want to go too." I informed her, as she let go of my hand so she could get into the car. Part of me never wanted her to let go, the other part of me wanted her to run away as far as possible and never get involved with me.

I was attached to her already, and I had only known her for a day. I couldn't let her go, could I?

Lacey climbed into the car, making her dress lift up slightly. I looked across to Ace and saw him staring, I didn't even want to think of what he was thinking. I closed the door of the car so Lacey couldn't hear me before I walked over to him and said, "Don't stare at someone who's not yours, hm?"

"She's not yours either, boss. She's not your property, I can look at her however I want too. Who knows, she might change her mind and come for me instead?" He replied, which made me even more angry. I wanted to kill him for even saying that.

"I have a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it." I reminded him, getting my gun out of my pocket and pressing it against his head, "Understand?"

Ace's face turned red and he nodded immediately. I chuckled to myself before putting my gun away and getting in the car, sitting myself next to Lacey.

"What took you so long? Is everything alright?" She asked me, a worried look on her face. I didn't want to tell her how sick Ace was being so I decided to lie.

"Everything's fine, sweetheart. Don't you worry." I replied to her, gaining me a smile back from her. I noticed she hadn't put her seatbelt on so I leaned across her and strapped her in, making sure she was safe. "Safety first."

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