The Beginning To The End:Part 2

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3rd POV

 Y/n walked back to trollmarket. While passing, some trolls bow or nod to her. And in reply she nods back to them. But she notices the faces realizing Kangijar was not besides her. Y/n could see many emotions. But most were sad and relief. Sad that the trollhunter died but relief because Y/n was alive.

Y/n continues to walk until she is in front of the heartstone. Taking one breath in, she walked in to see her three sons and grandfather looking at her with silence and sadness. More so Drall than the others. News spread extremely fast.

"Drall, I am so sor-"

Before Y/n could continue out her apology, she is engulfed in a strong yet loving hug from Drall. While in the hug, both Drall and Y/n hear Vendel tell the others to give them both some space. Argh and Blinky doing so along with Vendel.

As soon as the others leave Drall breaks down crying. He was never one to show emotions unless it was Y/n herself. Over a little while Drall stops crying but still could hear the sniffles from him. Y/n keeps rubbing his back muttering comforting words in trollish.

Then he starts dumping out questions questions: Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Did anything to you?

Y/n slowly yet softly cuts him off and replies with, "I'm fine, nothing I can't handle. Plus we all know Bular would never actually puts his hands on me."

"I know, I know. But that doesn't means I can't worry." He signs. Y/n simply nods with a look.

"Now I must talk to you, your brothers and grandfather."

Drall looks up with his forehead scrunched up, "And why must you talk to all of us."

"Important matters." Y/n teases.

~Time Skip~

"Now what would our queen like?" Vendel questioned.

Y/n talks a deep breath and rolls her shoulders back, looking at each one of them.

"Now that Kanjigar has sadly sacrificed himself, a new trollhunter must be picked." After saying this they straightened up.

"Kanjigars last words were that a new trollhunter shall kill Bular and his master which we know is Gunmar. The trollhunter shall succeed."

"That good." Argh smiles.

"That is good indeed. But mother why are you telling us this." Blinky says, tensing.

"I cannot be here when this happens." Y/n finally says.

"What? Why?" Drall gets up and walks closer.

"Because they shall exceed without me and thrive with your help. But they will need me the most when the time comes."

"And that means you want to get stronger. Isn't that correct?" Vendel looks at his granddaughter with a knowing look. 

"Get stronger?" Argh questions.

"And getting stronger requires-"

"-rest." Y/n finishes off for Blinky.

"I want you to put me down." Y/n states without realizing what she said and how it sounded like. Next thing she knows, shouts were said.

"Put down!"




"Oh my god!"

"Oh dear lord!"

"Sorry, my bad. Let me rephrase that. I need a deep sleep spell and hide me."

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