Episode 3

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With Scope fully introduced and Y/n explaining his own abilities to him, they make their way into the drop ship. The flight is uneventful until about 10 minutes before drop.

Bloodhound: "Now that we are closing in on the arena we must lay out some ground rules and warnings. 1: Don't try to escape the arena, you cannot and if for whatever reason you do break through the barrier you will be hunted down and detained. 2: The ring hurts, a lot, it's supposed to so don't think you'll just get through by hiding out in the ring. 3: No Teaming, if caught teaming you and the other teams will be announced and a 10,000 credit bounty will be on your head for whatever team that kills you. Finally, we need all of you to take this injection, this is a Respawn Tracker, it allows us to track your location and, more importantly, should you perish in battle, you will be regenerated in our Respawn Chambers, back at the base. Good luck, and may the best of you survive."

Automated Voice (AV): "Arriving at: Kings Canyon. All competitors move to drop-points."

Y/n and Scope meet at their designated drop point.

Y/n: "Where do you recommend?"

Scope: "Where everyone else isn't, I say we wait, I am skilled in hand to hand combat but prefer long range scouting."

Y/n: "I also happen to like pursuing others."

Scope: "Look!" *points to Broken Relay.* "No one else is on here with us and we will have significant vantage should we scale that building close by." *points to Hydro Dam*

Y/n: "You're the tactician."

Scope: "Then let's!" *dives off* *Y/n follows*

Scope and Y/n drop down and are expectedly met with no resistance, Y/n found an Alternator and Peacekeeper with an 2x HCOG for the Alternator, he also found a purple body shield and 2 Arc stars. Scope found a Mozambique and Longbow with 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat Scope sights and a blue extended mag and an EVO shield. Both of them having some shield batteries as well.

Y/n: "Well, you certainly had much more luck than I did."

Scope: "Maybe, but I will not enjoy using a Mozambique."

Y/n: "There I don't envy you but you have great attachments for your Longbow."

With Broken Relay looted and some confidence the pair move on to Hydro Dam. Lurking about, hopefully unnoticed.

Needless to say, this did not last long.

Y/n *whispering*: "Do you think there are any in here?"

Scope: *whispering*: "No, none of them dropped here and I have heard no gunfire yet, which is strange."

Y/n: "Alright, let's try and be quiet thoug- SHIT!" *narrowly dodged a sledgehammer slamming the wall to his right*

A large man with an eyepatch, very generic looking mercenary clothing-armor, and obvious balding swings his overweight self and a homemade sledgehammer around the corner, causing Y/n to drop his current weapon, the Alternator.

Y/n punches the man in the ribs and then the side of the head driving him back, quickly activating his arm blade as the large man charges back at Y/n, only to be met by a brick wall as this man was strong, but not strong enough to move almost 750 lbs of fuck 'round and find out. Y/n swing forward, stabbing the man and punching him repeatedly in the face, dropping him either dead, or bleeding out.

Y/n was going to loot his death box before being shot at with an R-301, likely this man's teammate.

Y/n: "Hey Scope!"

Scope: "What?!"

Y/n: "I think people are here!"

Y/n moves around the corner and throws an Arc star, landing at the feet of the assailant, before promptly going off downing the man.

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