Episode 6

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We resume our story to see Y/n carrying Ariadne home. Still covered in blood.

Ariadne: "Thank you, Y/n."

Y/n: "Wait, Ariadne, don't thank me. It's my fault you got abducted in the first place. If anything I should be sorry."

Ariadne: "No, I asked you to go into the games. It's my fault they came after us. Hell, you didn't even want to do this in the first place, you just wanted to enjoy our lives as drifters, visiting planets and living modestly happy while doing it."

Y/n: "Maybe, but I still could've said no."

Ariadne: "Say you are right there, we can't control the actions of others, especially when they're really stubborn."

Y/n: "Tell that to Vinson Dynamics."

By now Y/n and Ariadne had returned and Ariadne had gone inside to get ready for bed while Y/n had gone outside to clean off himself and his new Coldwar. Spraying himself off with the water hose outside. With Ariadne going inside to bathe.

Y/n: (thoughts) "I'll have to buy some hydrogen peroxide to get rid of all of the blood."

One hour later he was dripping wet and mostly bloodless. He walks in to get a towel and dries off and walks to the bathroom door and knocks on it.

Y/n: "Hey Ari."

Ariadne: "Hey N/n." (Nickname)

Y/n: "You ready for bed?"

Ariadne: "Yeah, on my way. I'm brushing my teeth."

Y/n: "Alright, you hungry?"

Ariadne: "A little."

Y/n: "You want something from out of town or home."

Ariadne: "Home sounds good."

Y/n: "Breakfast for dinner?"

Ariadne: "Yes please! But won't I need to brush my teeth again?"

Y/n: "Please tell me you're joking."

Ariadne runs out in her pajamas and sits down in front of the table.

Y/n takes out some eggs, milk, pancake mix, butter, and bacon and gets to work.

Y/n: ".....so, I've been thinking, maybe I shouldn't keep competing in the games."

Ariadne: "Why?"

Y/n: "It's just, well you know why. You got kidnapped."

Ariadne: "And, it was probably a one time thing. Like I said, we can't control the thoughts and actions of others, at least not very easily."

Y/n: "But if I didn't do this anymore me and you wouldn't be on any sort of list for gangs and such."

Ariadne: "Pretty sure that's out of the question."

Y/n: "How so?"

Ariadne: "Well, the guy who kidnapped me said something about how he remembers "seeing this guy before" and that "the boss better have a good reason for this."

Y/n: "Ah, so they probably know about my "services" from before I met you and after the Frontier Wars.

Ariadne: "What did you do?"

Y/n: "Well." *slides her two pancakes with syrup and milk.* "After the Frontier Wars the guys at Vinson Dynamics decided that I was too valuable to get rid of like most of their projects and robots so they decided to sell me to the highest bidder, from then on I would spend the next couple of decades being bought and sold for billions as a mercenary, gunman, soldier, and the occasional bodyguard."

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