5 - Eruption

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A few weeks later...

Slone smiles to herself, watching through the glass window as her experiment makes quick work of slicing their way through many cardboard cutouts of different snapshots and loopers with its blade.

As it chops in half the last cardboard cutout, conveniently looking like one of Jones' snapshots, she decides to enter the training room to greet them.

"Well, I must say 8R3Z, you've excelled in your training much faster than I thought." She admits, a hand on their shoulder. "You were really something else in your past."

They just stare at Slone, emotionless and silent while putting the blade back on its belt. She simply chuckles while fixing her glasses.

"Still as silent as ever I see. That's okay. I'd prefer you to stay quiet."

A hum comes from them, seemingly bothered about something. Slone, being keen-eyed, could tell what it was.

"I know. You're tired of using our dummies and cutouts to train with. You want to use your talents against our enemies, don't you?"

They nod slightly.

"Well, I promise you that as soon as we break through the island's surface, you'll be first in line to take out any loopers that stand in our way." She smirks. "Especially Jones and his little friends."

Despite the mask covering their mouth, Slone could sense a smile forming on their lips. At that moment the doors open again with a guard there to greet them.

"Doctor Slone ma'am!! I have great news. We are very close to the island. We should break the surface in the next few hours. Maybe even minutes!"

Slone smiles, hands behind her back, before walking out with 8R3Z following silently behind.

"Finally. I'm beginning to get fed up of being cramped up in this drilling vehicle."

They enter the control room where Gunnar is busy ordering around a guard trying to steer his way through the ground.

"Hurry it up soldier! We don't got all day!!"

"I'm trying Gunnar sir! Just give me a second!" They panic, scrambling with a wheel and pressing different buttons.


The guards, and Gunnar, fall silent as Slone's voice cuts through the crowd with 8R3Z following behind.

"Gunnar, use your strength for pounding our enemies into submission instead of yelling at our guards please."

"Right. Sorry ma'am."

8R3Z nudges his way through to the control panel, typing in a few codes before pulling the nearby lever. The drill begins roaring to life once more as they return to Slone's side.

"Talking of which." She mutters. "Guards, go and grab your weapons and be ready to charge out of the Fortress. Gunnar, go with them and ready the tanks while you're at it."

"Yes ma'am! You heard her. Get moving!!"

The guards begin piling out until only Slone and 8R3Z remain. She turns to them.

"As for you, we'll wait until we break the surface. Then, you can run wild and destroy the loopers that stand in your way."

They nod in understanding as Slone sits down and begins controlling the drill.

"Count your prayers Jones, Midas. I won't be leaving this place until you're both nothing but rotting corpses on the ground..."


*DISCONTINUED* Resistance - A Fortnite Story No.6Where stories live. Discover now