Chapter 13: Onwards to the Land of Waves

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Two Months Later

Boring was one thing the two brothers could describe during their first two months as Genins. If one thing they could describes the mission was chores... From watching the neighbors' pet to helping a village elder shop grocery, Team 7 did nothing but perform basic chores and no cool missions involving fighting other ninjas. Actually, scratch that they did no training whatsoever and it began to irritate them.

Naruto and Sasuke felt the task were too mundane for a ninja to be taking and it's supposed to for "gaining experience" or whatever bullshit reason Kakashi said. And there's the root of the main problem... While they completed their basic missions, Kakashi sat on his ass watching and waiting them to complete the mission and when they asked for training, he just says they need more experience.

And then there's Sakura... she was probably the most useless team member who only did the minimum work required, leaving Naruto and Sasuke to do most of the work. It was annoying because she would get giddy everytime they helped her. Sasuke was beginning to think it was deliberate attempt to ogle at them much to Sasuke's discomfort. She would talk and talk about how excited she was working with them. In short it annoyed them to no end especially Sasuke. He just prayed to Kami she would shut up and stop whining over everything.

As for Sakura, things couldn't have gotten better. Since she gets to spend time with them everyday. It was just amazing simply being there while they worked hard to pass the mission. She has to admit it was slower than she would like to, not that she was complaining because it means spending time with Naruto and Sasuke and she's more than grateful. She just wished things would go a little faster and take harder missions to show her worth.

Right now, Team 7 where all discussing their plans to complete their mission of catching the infamous lost cat Tora and returning to its owner, the wife of the Daimyo of Land of Fire.

Seems easy right?...

It's been two hours and they still haven't got sight of the cat, no matter where how close the cat got it simply knew where they were and ran away. Despite the initial frustration, they all agreed to work together, Sakura worked as an easy distraction trying to earn the cat's attention while Naruto and Sasuke hid from behind observing its movement.

"Naruto here you copy?"

"Sasuke here too are you almost done Sakura copy?"

"Almost got it target is on sight" Sakura said atop on a treetop before jumping down and slowly approaching the cat.

"~come here kitty kitty" Sakura cooed the cat but right as she was about to carry the cat, it scratched her face with claws before hissing itself away.

"I'm going to kill that furball!!" Inner Sakura screamed out.

"THAT'S IT I'M DONE PLAYING NICE!!" Sakura put her hands in seal that upon casting it, the cat finally ceased it movements in a dazed state. Sakura immediately grabbed the cat completing the mission.

"AH YEAH MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!" Sakura cheered as the rest of team 7 jumped out of the bushes.

"About time we caught that cat I was wondering when this mission will finish" Sasuke sighed.

"Did I do well Naruto-kun?" Sakura said with a blush.

"You didn't do half bad Sakura-chan I didn't know you practiced genjutsu, but you saved us the trouble of catching it ourselves" Naruto replied not expecting Sakura to be useful but was somewhat impressed of her.

"I've been interested in genjutsu for a while now that was the most basic one I learned. This is the first I've used it someone I was shocked myself!!" Sakura explained with enthusiasm.

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