🎔Tao and Hua VS Yosano and Koyo 🎔

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Respect my ships and options please 🎔

TW: What ever triggers you in this  chapter.

Yosano looks at Koyo then looks confused then smirked "Hello, there have we met before?" Koyo looks at Yosano and smiled "Not that remember" Koyo walks closer to Yosano "Ah~ Now I remember the wine party this evening?~" Yosano smile  Koyo nodded then... B O OM!!! 

"That must be Kaji....Or not..."Koyo looks the smoke where the explosion been and out of the smoke there was the two twins Tao and Hua as usual holding hands. 'Hm I wonder how they set up that bomb...?' Yosano thought to herself.

Hua smirked as Tao looks at Hua "Hua...I don't think we should kill them...That's not the orders..." Tao looks at her sister concerned "Oh dear sister have you forgotten...That's not the order...The order was to.....Kill them~" Hua smirked and do the fisheye which is totally normal in Bungo Stray Dogs for some reason  "Eh? Kill us? That would be fun if you could try" Yosano smirked as she get her chainsaw (Somehow out of no where) "Gold Demon  Snow...Destroy my enemy" Koyo smile as Gold Demon Snow came behind her  "Wow they both have ability's?" Tao looks at her sister in should we show our ability? 

'Bro we don't have ability's..... Stupid Idiot...' Hua thought to her sister Tao as the emo-ness aurora of Tao then 


"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THATS HURTS" Tao rubs her head where Hua hit her head with a rock "Shut up." Hua picks up a rock and threatened to hit Tao with a large rock.

"Hm seems like we don't have to do anything?" Koyo sighs then she walks away with her girlfriend Yosano "Early wine party... With just the two of us~? Yosano flirts Koyo kisses Yosano's hand then said "Of course~"  then a sudden out burst came from someone it was... Tao "I HATE YOU!!I WISH YOU WERE MY SIBLING YOUR ALWAYS PUSHING ME TO THE LIMITS! YOU THERTEN ME NO WONDER OUR FAMILY LEFT US AT A SHITTY ORPHANGE!!" Tao shouted as there is tears in Tao's eyes "ALL I'VE DONE WAS TO PROTECT YOU!!" Hua Shouted back in anger as Tao tried and go away from her but she couldn't.. "What do you think we should do?" Koyo asked her girlfriend... With Yosano knowing that there's only 1 thing to do " I'm guessing only one thing to do is to separate them both.. Within the cause that they'll both die or one will die." 

"Your cringe as hell Yosano." Koyo said as she sighed "At lest I'm not boring like you" Yosano crossed her arms then they both lean into making out kiss Hua and Tao look at them both in disgust

(This chapter is cringe as hell-) 

"Ew" A random homophobic guy said as Koyo somehow with Mafia magic thrown a knife at the guy's forehead "Let's just kill them both" Koyo decided Yosano smirked as she swung her butcher sword knife at the two twins as they both well Tao dragged her sister Hua away to the OOTVD base(ment) . (Koyo slayed)

"I will not ask"...Atsushi said to himself as he just standing behind a small tree with a sign which says this is the stalker tree where stalker, stalks people.

Akutagawa is just looking at Atsushi as he sighed then dragged Atsushi to the ADA well just to get coffee as Yosano and Koyo is uh standing making out.

Next Chapter: Plan to defeat Ahriman 

I hope you like this cringe ass chapter as I was bored and tired ass hell while writing this chapter.

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