Chapter 3

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I watch the Games, intrigued seeing what everyone else got up to whilst we were in there. It's just like watching a Game from a previous year. I mean, there aren't many clips of me, where I stayed hidden. As the days go on, most attention is focussed on the Careers. I see Dylan look towards me out of the corner of my eye, but keep my gaze trained on the screen in front of us. I zone out for most of the rest of the Games as everything centres around the Careers and I got to see quite a bit of it even if they couldn't see me in the arena. Then it gets to the last day. The cannon that went off on the last morning snaps me out of my zombie-like state, just as it awoke me whilst in the Games. I see the events Marvel described of the Katniss and Rue dying whilst they tried to protect each other and Clove being shot by one of Katniss' arrows. It isn't a nice thing to watch, but luckily the Gamemakers don't show mine and Marvel's conversation afterwards.




They wouldn't. They want the viewers from the Districts and the Capitol to think I killed him, they wouldn't show him helping me out. They make me sick. I watch as Cato kills Peeta and cuts Marvel's leg open as he goes stalking off to find Thresh. They cut to a quick scene of the two boys struggling against each other before Thresh cuts of one of Cato's arms and legs and Cato uses his one remaining arm to stick his sword in Thresh's abdomen. They both lay on the ground for sometime before their cannon's sound due to bloodloss.

Then they cut back to me. I pick up the Nightlock berries, next shot, they're on the floor and I'm by Marvel, but they don't show him helping me. Once again. They follow us back to the Cornucopia and show how I helped him onto the horn, but not that I re-did his leg. They cut out the following day that we spent together to make it look like I killed him on the same night.

I lean forward even more and feel the anger start to bubble within me as they cut Marvel's plea for a pencil and some paper to write me a note. I'm super riled by the time they show me pulling him out of the tent. They cut the kiss, my tears, everything. They only show shots of me from behind so you can't see me crying. I grab the remote, switch the television off and throw the remote to the opposite side of the room. It shatters as it hits the wall and I grab my knees, pulling them up to my chest, screaming as I let the tears falls down my face freely.

I feel Dylan wrap his arms around my waist and shush me until I stop crying. I turn around and hug him and he places a kiss on my forehead, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear, like my father and Marvel had done only months before. I bury my head into his shoulder and take shaky breathes as he pulls me up onto his lap. We sit their with him cradling me for at least a half an hour before he breaks the silence.

"I believe you," he whispers to me. I just nod and crawl off of his lap. I push myself off the bed and walk towards the door, opening it.

"Oh, and Finch?" he says. I stop and turn around, "I'm sorry this happened to you." I smile, feeling warm inside. He was the first person to speak to me about the Games since I returned from the Victory Tour. Usually everyone decides it would be better not to talk about it, but it's nice to have someone to share my feelings with. I nod once again and head back to my room, still smiling.

Decided (Foxface/Marvel Sequel) THGFicWhere stories live. Discover now