Chapter 22: Fucked up

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Damions pov🔪
Warning this chapter will have very detailed torture scenes. ⚠️⚠️

I was blaring Enter Sandman by Metallica in my headphones while walking into the hidden warehouse. Time to have some fun. I thought walking down the cells.

I got to room 123 and opened the door to see the blonde hair man tired to a rusty old chair, the pig was still asleep.

I decided to just get started with the torture, I walked out of the room and told a guard to get me all the tools I needed and 2 extra men in the room. He quickly got what I needed.

I walked back into the room turning off my music to deal with this pig. "Pliers." I said reaching my hand back a guard quickly placed some in my hand.

I placed the tool under his long finger nails. And I slowly pulled the nail off, doing it slowly so it hurt more. The thing woke up quickly screaming.

"Scream louder. It turns me on." I said putting acid on the open wound making him scream louder. It made me smile.

"Why...why are you doing this!! I didn't do anything! I gave you the money!" He yelled and right after he finished his sentence I pulled my gun out shooting him in the foot.

"You talk again and I will cut your tongue of your head and make you swallow it." I said gripping his jaw. Nasty pig. I sighed grabbing a chair.

"So Ryan, you stole some of my products for your own use..sì?" I asked looking into his eyes watching his finger oze out yellow foam. His breathing was getting faster indicating that he was getting nervous.

"what..?! Of course not! Are you crazy!" He said looking anywhere but my eyes.

I got out of the chair picking it up and hitting him in the face with it. "I really hate liars." I said looking down at his now bloody face.

"It wasn't me! I swear I was at home with my daughter!" Oh..he tried to throw Aria in this.. worst mistake.

I grabbed his fat neck and took my gorgeous butterfly knife off the side table I had. I held it to his leg.

"Oh you mean Aria? Your daughter?" I asked pushing the knife into his leg. I twisted it around a bit liking the feeling of all the nerves I'm cutting through. He screamed in my ear making me smirk at him.

"Oh does that hurt..?" I cooed getting down to his eye level. "Come on. Tell me how much it hurts." I said pushing the knife all the way through his leg.

"STOP! You can take her if you want! Take the little slut please!" He really is not helping his case. I just shrugged my shoulders walking to the acid bucket I had.

"You are really stupid. You know? You hit my girl and then you have the nerve to say take her?!" I said getting in his face. I poured some acid into his eyes making him yell out. I punched him repeatedly.

He passed out. He really fucking thinks passing out will help? "Capo..i have a small suggestion..if you don't mind." I snapped my head around to see one of the new kids. He was about 17.

"It better be good." I said harshly, the guard nodded, and then looked over at Ryan and smirked.

"Bloody Eagle sounds good for an abuser...sì?" He asked looking back at me. I like this kid. I smirked walking up to him.

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