Chapter 38: Fluffy

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Arias pov🦋

I woke up to soft beeping and light kisses to my face. I peeled my eyes open to see Damion hovering over me. "I wanted to spend time with you and you were asleep soo..." his voice trailed off.

I giggled and tried to push him away. The thing about have a 6'5 boyfriend who is pure muscle, they won't move.

I acted like I fainted and his body instantly shot up. "Fucking hell." I heard him start talking to him self almost making me laugh. "You just had to lay on her. I should go on a fucking diet. Yeah I should you just almost killed your girlfriend." I chuckled blowing my cover.

I peeked my eyes open to see him glaring at me. "Fine be a big baby." I said turning my head away from him.

I felt his head on my chest again and this time I realized. He didn't sleep last night and he didn't go to our room.

I slapped his head and made room on the bed. "No babe." He shook his head like he had an option.

Funny. I pulled him down or tried. But I finally got him down by pulling the "I'm pregnant" card.

Honestly works like a charm. While he was getting in the bed I started getting excited. I haven't held him in so long, I just want to wrap my arms around him.

When he got in the bed it was really funny to see him in such a small bed. I quickly wrapped my arms around him feeling safe.

He pushed me closer to his chest and sighed. "You don't know how badly I needed this. I need you angel." I looked up to see his eyes full of sincerity and love.

I smiled and went back to shoving my face in his chest to get more of him. "And I needed you devil." I said lifting up his shirt.

He looked at me confused but I simply pulled his shirt over my head and laid my head on his stomach. I almost licked him till he spoke.

"Don't even think about it." I looked up at him with fake innocence. "Don't you dare bite me and don't lick me." He said playfully glaring at me.

I sighed dramatically and laid my head back down. "I was out for a month and you don't love me no more. It's okay I get it, fine me and the baby are gone." I had a smile on my face but he couldn't see for the angle.

I was lifted up so that I was out of his shirt and by him face. He grabbed my face in a soft but good grip. "Don't even say that, got it? If you ever leave I will track you down and make you fall in love with me again. And I missed you ever day, you can lick me whenever you want if you think that makes me love you. Because I do so don't joke like that. Okay?" I nodded and he raised his eyebrows.

I pulled out of his grip and did a salute "sir yes sir." After I said that he leaned in and kissed me. I missed his kisses.

I pulled away because my breath is probably kicking. And he glared at me. "Relax dumbo I just probably have bad breath." I said laying my head on him again.

He grabbed his phone and texted someone. "Who was that-" I was cut off by the door busting open.

Ivan and Jane walked in, and I knew that it was only bad news for me. "Easy with her." Damion said while glaring at them.

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