Good Breakfast?

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Rindou just come in to the middle room when he noticed a really good smell from the kitchen. He look at the clock, it's still 8 a.m. others Bonten is such a sleepy head, no way they already wake up? He right away come to the kitchen.

Wakasa makin pancakes while Sierra and Takeomi is sitting in front of kitchen counter. "Wakasa?" Rindou asked. "Yo! Morning Rindou!" Wakasa greet him then he just realized how puffed Sierra eyes is. "What happen to you?" Rindou asked to Sierra worriedly. 

"I just crying." She replied, "So hard." Takeomi added, "All night long." Wakasa added again make Sierra giggling. "Come on!" She protest and both of the man laugh a little too. Rindou look at her worriedly. 

"Your eyes puffed.. Ran will be furious when he see this.. Why are you crying anyway? Tell me.." Rindou asked. Sierra told him that she feel sad that her father is died and Rindou didn't asked into the detail. He just want to understand how she feel without questioning her too much.

"Is that why Wakasa already here in the morning?" He asked. Wakasa is still put few pancakes on the plate and serve it to them but Rindou already asked again. "Don't you say he stay with Sierra all night long?" Rindou asked. 

Here it comes, the over protective brothers mode is activated. "Yes, he stay with me all night long. In my bed, cuddle me, he taking advantage of my state, and being such a pervert." Sierra answered with naughty smile and Rindou glare at Wakasa right away. "Don't believe her." Wakasa said right away.

"Who's being pervert?" Ran who just entered the kitchen with yawn asked. "Wakasa?" Ran asked when he found out Wakasa already there. "He sleep with me last night and being such a pervert!" Sierra said while pointing at Wakasa. 

Wakasa shake his head, "No! Don't believe her!" Wakasa said right away when he notice both Haitani now glare at him. "Takeomi save me!" Wakasa asking for help but Takeomi share a glance with Sierra. Both of them laugh when now both Haitani start to chase him. 

Wakasa run around the whole Bonten headquarters. He run as fast as he can, even almost bumped to Mochi who suddenly come out from his room, he slide below the desk, jump over table, "Rin!" Ran give sign for him to intercept him at the end of hall. 

"I bet Wakasa can make it!" Sierra said and laugh. Takeomi is laughing, "No, Haitani brothers going to catch him!" he said. Wakasa who saw Rindou already waiting for him in the end of the hall run faster and dodge him smoothly. "See?" Sierra said and Takeomi nodded in his defeat.

"Takeomi tell them it's not true!" Wakasa smack Takeomi head while running towards them. "Haitani, he just come this morning." Takeomi said while hold his head that hurt because of Wakasa. "Wow~! Black Dragon legend is sure no joke! Haitani brothers can't even catch him!" Sierra said while giggling.

Wakasa is the one that winning at agility side. He run fast, punch and kick at accurate critical hit too. He use his head while fight, "Don't joking like that! Both of them really going to kill me!" Wakasa said to Sierra who laugh. 

"I'm just joking nii-san. But I love both of you! Both of you really chase him!" She said to both Haitani who just come. Ran and Rindou chuckled. "He almost become a dead meat and you're just joking! Ahahaha!" Takeomi laugh when he see Wakasa is pissed off. 

Sierra scoop a pancake but Wakasa snatch it. "Don't eat my pancake." He said with smirk. This time he take revenge to her. "Give me some!" Sierra said while tiptoeing to get the pancake but Wakasa is taller. He only need to hold his hand up and she can't reach it. She jump few times but failed, Wakasa and Takeomi chuckled at her pouted face. Ran and Rindou is laugh too.

She climb the kitchen counter make Takeomi surprised, so does Haitani. "Sierra be careful!" Ran said right away. There still unfinished dough there, few plates, glasses contain with milk, water, coffee, even the stove still hot. 

Too much dangerous things in the kitchen counter while she move carelessly while giggling. "Oups! Be careful Sierra.." Rindou grab the coffee that almost fall because of her. Sierra giggling. She know Wakasa will give surrender if she's being extreme like this. 

"Hey, watch out the stove still hot." Wakasa said worriedly when Sierra jump through the stove. "I'll give it, now back down here!" Wakasa said again this time he put the pancake down already. She giggling hear that, and suddenly jump down with her butt first. 

All of them is surprised but Wakasa come to her and catch her bridal style only with one hand. He flick her forehead, "The stove is still hot! Your legs can be burnt Kei!!" He said sternly to her. "Aw!" She just hold her forehead that flicked by Wakasa. 

They breath out in relieved in unison, now the crazy girl is under control. When Wakasa about to put her down, she clinging her arm on his nape, lay on a kiss on his cheeks, and jump off from him. "Thank you for catch me!" She said like nothing is happen.

Wakasa hold his temples, "Don't do that and act like nothing is happen Kei!" He protest, he know he had to explain to Haitani now. "I can't stand not to kiss you Imaushi~" She replied with cute tone. Takeomi, Ran, and Rindou look that scene clearly are now hanging their jaw.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Ran asked in pissed off tone, "Are you two always like this?" Rindou asked too in disbelief. They won't let their little sister being too close to Wakasa, he's not the one for her, their age difference going to be a crack in their relationship sooner or later, and they don't want her to sad because of broken heart.

 Takeomi look away he know this going to be long explanation to the over protective Haitani's, "No, we're not always like this. She just-" Wakasa about to explained but Ran cut it off. "You can't kiss a man out of sudden like that Sierra." Ran said. "And you should dodge it!" Rindou said to Wakasa.

They really care about Sierra but sometimes she found it suffocating too. When she found out they glaring to Wakasa too much she sighed. "It just a kiss on cheeks nii-san. No need to exaggerating." She said and finish her milk. "But Sierra-" Ran is about to talk back.

"I was the one who always try to steal a kiss from him even tough he didn't like it or tell me to stop it. So stop treat him like that." She cut it off and then leave them in the kitchen. She's not in the mood to have a good breakfast. So before she angry to any of Haitani brothers she decided to go back to her room.

Tokyo Revengers Wakasa Imaushi AU; The Lunatic GirlWhere stories live. Discover now