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Three transport ships, known as the Vector 6's, fly at low altitudes. Two of the Vector 6's each carry three units of soldiers. The other Vector carries combat drones to support their operators. The vector officers make their way to investigate the missing drones. Once the two transport ships flew over a temple-like structure, they detected the G.P.S. of the missing drones. They also found one of the power sources that kept destroying satellites. They were ordered to find the missing combat droids and disable the power source to ensure future colonization within the area.

All are wearing advanced military exosuits and equipped with the latest assault rifles known as the rapid rail gun model number DR-03091980 RRG-80. The military science division has made advancements with their firearms that were either based on the design of electrical railing systems or energy-based. The exo-suits were made of diamond woven Kevlar with anti-tear insulation. The Earth's Conglomerate military was nearly unstoppable.

In one of the Vector bays, one of the military units discusses the discovery of the Oldumare's wreckage.

"Man, did you hear about the wreckage of the Oldumare found not far from here!"

"Yeah, they have reconnaissance drones salvaging what's left of the wreckage. No human can get close. The radiation levels were so high. It was from the lightwave engine exploding. "

"Do you think anyone survived here on this planet?"

"Highly unlikely," One of the military soldiers replied.

"They say the air here is breathable."

"Yeah, but who can tell what alien bacteria can kill us here? Besides, it's been 40 years since the Oldumare crashed. Imagine not having any food or shelter to survive. Let us not forget the unfortunate bastards we found floating in space in the escape pods. They were like total mummies. I guess they died from oxygen and starvation."

"I wonder why the Hearthtropolian government didn't send any rescue ships."

"The rescue mission was deemed too dangerous. Besides, it would have taken them over a year to get here."

"Why are we here now?"

"Our tech was inadequate back then. The egg heads in the science division kept testing the weapon accuracy that allowed it to plot a maneuvering course through the detection sensors."

'And that is part of our mission," the Commanding Officer (C.O.) stated. "Listen up, fellas. We have two objectives. One we investigate the missing combat droids and to locate and destroy the weapon that killed the Oldumare."

"How do we even know that this is the weapon? What if an alien ship destroyed the Oldumare."

"Because the data extracted from one of the Oldumare communication space beacons have recorded it. The energy signature matches the power source. It is coming from the location where the androids went missing."

"Sounds like a coincidence?"

"It is not. Everyone keep your eyes peeled," The commanding officer demanded.

The Vector 6's ships deployed the military personnel and combat droids three miles away from the objective location. The soldiers Abseiled down from the Vector as its engines went from flight to the hovering autopilot. Combat droids were released from a drop pod.

The recon team made their way through the dense forest. Everyone was on edge as they did not know the territory. They had limited air support with a recognizance drone. They played their cards safe from the energy source that destroyed the Oldumare. A soldier saw something moving in the bushes. The commanding officer saw the nervousness in his officer.