I'm not leaving you! pt2

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You turn and face Thorin, who is just watching Laketown getting burnt, emotionless. You run towards him screaming

"Y/n, No... don't" Bilbo says, pulling your arm to stop you. You throw away his hand and push him away.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? FILI AND KILI AND OIN AND BOFUR THEY ARE ALL OUT THERE!" you yell furiously while pushing Thorin, hitting him and punching him. He isn't looking at you, he just accepts your hits and balance himself whenever he needed to. You grab his clothes and yell to his face:

"HOW ARE YOU SO CALM? FILI COULD BE DEAD BY NOW! YOUR OWN BLOOD IS DYING OUT THERE AND YOU'RE JUST STANDING HERE?" Dwalin came behind you, grabbed your hands, crossed them in fron of your chest, presses your back against him and picked you up from the ground, leading you away from Thorin.


"LET ME GO! DWALIN! PUT ME DOWN!" you shouted again and again, kicking and doing everything you could just to get back to Thorin. Dawlin got you away from the leader and the company before placing you on your feet, without letting you out off his hug. You were in so broken emotionally, your feet couldn't hold you, your knees bend and Dwalin slowly helped you sit on the ground. He is there the whole time, you were hiding yourself in his hug and crying your heart out.

After a while, Thorin wasn't around anymore, you stop crying and look at Dwalin. He is looking at you with sympathy.

"I told you to have faith in Fili... We know nothing about them yet. Don't cry..." he said wiping your tears away, you nod and bring your knees to your chest hugging them tightly.

"Thank you" you exhale as you place your chin on your knees. Dwalin pats you back and sits besides you in silence, until Balin calls him

"I have to go... will you be alright?"

"Yes" you whispered while giving him a small nod.

Half hour had passed and Smaug was spitting fire everywhere non-stop.

"What was that?" Ori asks standing straight up.

"He... fell" Bilbo answered "I saw the dragon falling...Smaug is dead" he adds while checking if he made a mistake.

Everyone was hugging each other, laughing and enjoying the moment, you stand up and hug Bombur who was coming right at you with open arms. You forse yourself to smiled and hug everyone, even though inside, your hope wasn't restored at all, you knew nothing about their luck. Deep inside you didn't want to get excited and end up getting hurt again...

Some days passed by, no news from any dwarf. You pretended to be fine and smile to everyone but in reality you are crying everyday since the dragon attack, not knowing if Fili was alive or dead makes everythingeven worse.

You are in your room, even the slightest hope you had for Fili and the other had disappeared. You haven't eat anything for 2 days nor you had got out off your room. You are lost in your thoughts when a knock at your door snaps you put of them. It's Bilbo, he opens the door as wide as the side of himself and you see his head popping out

"Um... Hi... Everyone is at the small dining room, waiting for you..." he says but you don't answer. Bilbo sighs and walks inside  leaving the door open "Come on y/n... you haven't eat anything all day... they are worried... don't do that to them please... they are already worried about the others" he said, you nod.

"Okay, you're right... let's go" you say wiping your eyes once again. You get downstairs and walk in the dining room. Dwalin is near the door and as soon as he sees you, he hugs you, stroking your head. You had grown very fond of each other, in this adventure, so much that he had told you that if he'd ever had a daughter he would want her to be like you.

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