S i x - The Mansion

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My eyes fell to the shoes of the little girl as I no longer had the strength to speak. I see Syngrath turn around and he warily reaches down, heaving me up off the ground.

I couldn't fight him, I could only fall back into his arms, fighting only now too keep my consciousness in tact. How he was able to pick up another grown man in his current state was beyond me. I barely turn my head to see the little pink dress girl standing there staring at us, but now at her side was the same strange tall entity from before, holding her hand.

"You see, Lazari," I heard it say, "this is what happens when idiots waltz into our territory without my knowledge."

I heard the little girl giggle and she nods her head rapidly in understanding of the tall being's words. I tried to open my mouth and put in my own two cents but the only thing that came out was a weak wheeze.

"Is that really the Grim Reaper, Slendy? The one you told me about?" The child asked. "Isn't he pathetic?" The slender one chuckled.

Pathetic...he called me pathetic...how dare he... I'll have his soul....

I passed out.


SlenderMan's p. o. v.

I honestly pitied this Reaper. He's filled with so much anger and hatred and yet it's all rage pent up at his failure of a father. Normally, I would instantly kill any force of Zalgo bold enough to set foot near my mansion—especially one as rude and bratty as this entity. However, I couldn't exactly kill the Grim Reaper—death itself. Also, this being intrigued me. Maybe if I took him under my wing and allowed him to be exposed to my kingdom, he would change and be able to find his true self.

My attention moves from the passed out entity to the one that was carrying him. Was that his butler...? Despite the intensity of the spell around the mansion, he still stood, shaking slightly, but unwilling to allow himself to fall. He held the reaper in his arms with a tight, protective hold.

'That couldn't be a human. All humans fall to the spell, no matter how strong,' I thought to myself.

Lazari tugs at my pant leg and I look down at her. "Slendy? What are you going to do with them?"

I look from her back to the two before me and sigh, figuring I must do what I thought was best. After all, if anything went wrong I could always round up the killers to take them down together.

"Follow me," I beckoned the butler with my hand to follow me. "I will take you to my home where you both can recover."

With that, I abruptly turned around and folded my hands behind my back. I will not make sure to see if he would follow me or not—I will leave that decision up to him. Lazari looks curiously at the newcomers before quickly skipping behind me. I wonder if she understands who that reaper boy is and what her connection to him is.


(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

I feel my consciousness returning to myself after spending what felt like hours in a mental prison of silent meditation in my own head. My eye slowly blinks open and my blurry vision displays unidentifiable silhouettes of what seemed to be people surrounding me.

"He's up!" I heard one voice screech very close to me, and I quickly sit up on whatever I was laid upon. It felt soft and sturdy—a couch...?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now